Intellectual Property and Copyright Ethics Atif Imran Toor Computer Science with Artificial Intelligence Profile
Protecting the intangible Property is a tangible thing e.g. Car. Intellectual property is intangible e.g. Literary works. What is really being protected in intellectual property? -literary works; -musical works -dramatic works -sound recordings -charts -architectural works -choreographic works -choreographic works -graphic, and sculptural works -audiovisual works - Not use or take credit for the work of others without specific acknowledgment and authorization. - from the AITP Standards of Conduct
Copyrights Copyright protection exists in federal law. What is the difference between patent and copyright? - Patent covers applied technology - Copyright covers creative and artistic works. - Both patent and copyright law apply on software protection.
Protection of the expression of an idea rather than the idea itself. For all published versions of the work: - © 2006 Atif Imran For software: - packaging - diskette or CD - part of a program - During program execution Registration of a copyrighted work: - Fee - Copyright Office Form TX Copyright Office Form TXCopyright Office Form TX - Copy(s) of work
Rights of copyright owner - Creation of direct copies - Creation of derivative versions - Distribution of copies of the work - Public performance and display Derivative work: -Translation of written work - Change programming language - Conversion from one medium to another Work for hire
Claiming infringement: - Registration certificate for the copyright - Chain of transfer of the rights - Alleged infringer has copied their work - Alleged infringer had access to the copyrighted work Penalty - Fine -lost revenue -damage to the market -statutory damages - Prison sentence
Software piracy - Illegal copying - Ethical and legal problem Economic loss: - Estimates of losses in USA run as high as $3 billion a year [2]. - Estimates of losses in Europe run as high as $5.3 billion a year [2]. - Estimates of global losses to the software industry run as high as $39 billion a year [3]. Organizations against software piracy: - Business Software Alliance - Software Publishers Association - Merger: Software and Information Industry Association
Plagiarism - Taking of the ideas, writings, drawing, words, or other similar intellectual property created by others and presenting it as your own [1]. - Unethical Self-Plagiarism - Use your own words
Reference 1. Ethics and Computing : Living responsibly in a computerized world; Edited by Kevin W. Bowyer 2. S.P. Weisband and S.E. Goodman, ”International software piracy,” Computer, November 1992, pp J. Cox, ”U.S. Loses ground in crackdown,” USA Today, March 8, 1993.
Question Copyrighted work can resell?