HPSS R&D Strategy Grant Writing Dr Glenda F. Fleming Liaison Development Manager (Pharmacy)


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Presentation transcript:

HPSS R&D Strategy Grant Writing Dr Glenda F. Fleming Liaison Development Manager (Pharmacy)

HPSS R&D Strategy Funding process Develop or revise scheme Advertise Respond to queries (Closing date) Validate Peer review Evaluation panel Outcome

HPSS R&D Strategy Validation Check that application meets the requirements of the scheme –Received on time –Fully complete –Prescribed format –Eligibility

HPSS R&D Strategy Application process Be aware of the application process eg know closing date and time, how many copies are required, submission address Leave adequate time to obtain supporting information: signatures, supporting statement from RRG/referee Ensure all sections are completed Stick to proposal requirements: typed? font size? line spacing? page limits Double check eligibility criteria IF IN DOUBT CHECK!

HPSS R&D Strategy Key elements in the application Research proposal Research team Research environment

HPSS R&D Strategy Research team Ensure team has necessary mix of expertise Multidisciplinary If a fellowship award ensure the supervisors are suitable Obtain advice –mentors - including RRG –statisticians –experts in the field

HPSS R&D Strategy Clinical Research Support Centre Regional Centre (based on RGHT Site) –epidemiology –medical statistics –health economics –qualitative research methods –clinical trials organisation & co-ordination –data management –intellectual property rights

HPSS R&D Strategy Research environment Ensure the environment has the necessary infrastructure –people –expertise –equipment Particularly important for education and training awards - can the environment support the research training?

HPSS R&D Strategy Research proposal Background / introduction Research question / aims & objectives Methodology / Plan of investigation Timetable / milestones Costing

HPSS R&D Strategy Research proposal Background / introduction –identifies work in area and the gaps –clearly referenced –highlights the importance of your proposed research in the ‘bigger picture’ –Should not be excessively long

HPSS R&D Strategy Research proposal Research question / aims & objectives –Must be clear and concise –Will drive development of the research proposal –Must be realistic and achievable

HPSS R&D Strategy Research Proposals Methodology / Plan of investigation –clearly and logically presented –suits the research question –well chosen methods and instruments - clear rationale for use –aim to leave no unanswered questions (allow someone unfamiliar with the field to read?) –seek statistical advice at an early stage –clear data collection and analysis –well defined outcomes

HPSS R&D Strategy Research Proposals Timetable/milestones –be realistic –allow adequate time for report production and dissemination Costing –know what is accepted by the funding body (check if unclear) –be realistic - projects must be Value For Money

HPSS R&D Strategy Evaluation Peer review –nominated and selected by R&D Office –choose reviewers carefully Know the evaluation criteria –check you proposal meets the criteria –ask someone else to check

HPSS R&D Strategy Funding websites (includes link to RD learning)

HPSS R&D Strategy Contact Details Address:R&D Office Linenhall Street Belfast BT2 8BS Tel: (028) Fax: (028) website: