ANIMALS Amazing animals in the world
Brown bears are very strong and tall. They live in Russia.
Wolfs are very evil and fast animals. They live in Eurasia and North America.
Snakes are very dangerous creatures. They live all over the world.
Cats are the most popular pets. They live on all continents.
Crocodiles are very strong and ferocious predators. They live on the equator.
Lions kings of the animal world. They live in Africa.
Leopards are strong and cunning predators. They live in the tropics.
The foxes are very sly animals. They live in Russia and Canada.
Horses are very fast and strong animal. They live in all countries.
Rhinos are very strong and unpredictable. They live in India and Africa.
Chimps are very intelligent animals. They live in western and central Africa.
Deer are beautiful and stately. They live in North America and Russia.
Elephants are very big, strong and tall animals. They live in Africa and India.
Dogs are very clever and faithful. They live on all continents, like a cats.
The Bengal tigers are very fast and strong predators. Bengal tigers are found in central Asia.
Заключение: Презентация подготовлена: учеником 5л2 класса – Поваровым Будимиром. Классный руководитель: Нельга Инна Григорьевна. 2014г.