UTEP Office of Research and Sponsored Projects Results from Spring 2004 Satisfaction Survey SOURCE: UTEP Center for Institutional Evaluation, Research and Planning Presentation to the UTEP Research Advisory Council April 30, 2004
Office of Research and Sponsored Projects Satisfaction Survey1 Spring 2004 ORSP Survey: RESPONDENT PROFILE How often have you submitted a proposal to ORSP in the last 2 years? n = 127
Office of Research and Sponsored Projects Satisfaction Survey2 Spring 2004 ORSP Survey: RESPONDENT PROFILE How many awards have you received in the last 2 years? n = 127
Office of Research and Sponsored Projects Satisfaction Survey3 Spring 2004 ORSP Survey: PRE-AWARD ACTIVITIES Importance of Budget Preparation Services in Submission Process n = 125
Office of Research and Sponsored Projects Satisfaction Survey4 Spring 2004 ORSP Survey: PRE-AWARD ACTIVITIES Top 5 Areas of Satisfaction 1 1 Excludes Not Applicable Ratings n = 125n = 78n = 124n = 121n = %78.2%77.4%74.3%73.6%
Office of Research and Sponsored Projects Satisfaction Survey5 Spring 2004 ORSP Survey: PRE-AWARD ACTIVITIES Top 5 Areas Needing Improvement 1 1 Excludes Not Applicable Ratings n = 75n = 74n = 93n = 101n = % 42.0%40.9%37.9%33.3%
Spring 2004 ORSP Survey: POST-AWARD ACTIVITIES Top 5 Areas of Satisfaction 1 1 Excludes Not Applicable Ratings - few respondents rated Intellectual Property and Technology Transfer Services. Office of Research and Sponsored Projects Satisfaction Survey6 n = 90n = 32n = 83n = 75n = %81.2%79.5%78.6%70.8%
Spring 2004 ORSP Survey: POST-AWARD ACTIVITIES Top 4 Areas Needing Improvement 1 1 Excludes Not Applicable Ratings Office of Research and Sponsored Projects Satisfaction Survey7 n = 68n = 80n = 65n = %30.7%30.0%29.4%
Spring 2004 ORSP Survey: OVERALL RATING Overall, how would you rate your recent experience(s) with ORSP? Office of Research and Sponsored Projects Satisfaction Survey8 n = 127