Planning your body paragraphs What’s your plan? 11
How do your characters cope with adversity? Do they overcome their adversity or not? Do they have the ability to overcome their adversity? GatheringProcessingApplying Thinking Relating to others Using language, text and symbols Managing self Participating & contributing 22
Put your information together Tomorrow When The War Began JobThe Truman ShowYOUR text For example 1.Guilt– this is seen in this text Find an example of where you see it Find a quote that supports it Is this guilt the same as the guilt seen in The Truman Show or your text? Why or why not? What have you learned from this similarity or difference? How does it link to your message? For example 1.Guilt– this is seen in this text Find an example of where you see it Find a quote that supports it Is this guilt the same as the guilt seen in Tomorrow When The War Began or your text? Why or why not? What have you learned from this similarity or difference? How does it link to your message? Maybe Guilt is shown in your text as well. If so, then plan it and compare it to the others For example 1.Loss of Innocence – this is seen in this text Find an example of where you see it Find a quote that supports it Is this Loss of Innocence the same as the Loss of Innocence seen in The Truman Show, Job or your text? Why or why not? What have you learned from this similarity or difference? How does it link to your message? For example 1.Loss of Innocence – this is seen in this text Find an example of where you see it Find a quote that supports it Is this Loss of Innocence the same as the Loss of Innocence seen in The Truman Show, Tomorrow When The War Began or your text? Why or why not? What have you learned from this similarity or difference? How does it link to your message? For example 1.Loss of Innocence – this is seen in this text Find an example of where you see it Find a quote that supports it Is this Loss of Innocence the same as the Loss of Innocence seen in Tomorrow When The War Began, Job or your text? Why or why not? What have you learned from this similarity or difference? How does it link to your message? Does the idea of Loss of innocence get shown in your text as well? If so, then plan it and compare it to the others Now select at least 2 more Connections – you must show these across your texts
Put your information together Tomorrow When The War Began JobThe Truman ShowThe Martian -Guilt : When they had to kill people -“I had to kill people” -In the Truman show Truman's when dad was “killed” it was the same guilt because Truman felt he had killed his dad - This teaches us that guilt has different effects on different people -Guilt is shown in the text when Luke feels guilty about not helping job enough. -“I was too wretched to turn my guilt into anger against him. I couldn’t stop worrying about him” -This is the same type of guilt shown in The Truman show when Silva feels she haven't helped Truman enough -This teaches us the even kids can feel adult emotions -Guilt is shown in the film when he uses his latent guilt of “killing his dad” to overcome his fear of water. -TRUMAN (shouting above the storm, screaming up to the sky) Come on, is that the best you can do? You're gonna have to kill me! -This guilt is different to TWTWB cause it compels Truman to overcome his fears -It teaches us guilt can be useful to human development -Guilt is shown in the text when the ares 3 crew find out they left an alive crewmate behind on mars. -“I left him behind. In a barren, unreachable, godforsaken wasteland” -This is similar to the guilt shown in TWTWB because the crew had essentially killed Mark Watney just as Ellie had killed a soldier with an lawnmower -Loss of innocence is seen in the text when Ellie kills her first soldier -“At that moment I stopped being an innocent rural teenager and started becoming someone else” -It isn’t the same loss of innocence as the Truman show because his innocence is lost throughout his middle age years and its through investigating not one event. -It teaches us that loss of innocence can happen anytime or through a period of time. - Loss of innocence is seen in the text when job blows up his mums house. -“If any 11 year old boy could do it, I reckon it would be job” -This is the same type of loss of innocence as TWTWB because it happens at a single point -This teaches us that even young kids in a first world country can experience third world scenarios -Loss of innocence is shown in the film when Truman discovers he’s been trapped in a show his whole life -“Nothing was real.” -This isn’t the same kind of loss of innocence as TWTWB or job because the whole movie is a build up to Truman losing his innocence. -This teaches us that even adults can lose innocence. - Loss of innocence is shown in the text when Mark still thinks he can survive on mars with the help of a care package from NASA but it fails an he thinks he’s on his way to death -“Now I’m in a “fatal situation” I don’t have to follow social conventions” -This loss of innocence is different to the one found in TWTWB because that is innocence withheld from being a child. -It teaches us that innocence isn't just something you have as a child