H.Hillemanns TTN – WP2: Status of the TTN Website December 9, 2010.


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Presentation transcript:

H.Hillemanns TTN – WP2: Status of the TTN Website December 9, 2010

TT Network TTN - WP2: Approach 2 TTN - December

TT Network TTN – WP2 : History 3 TTN - December

TT Network Tasks June – December 2010 Task ListStatus Rework Graphical Design (Colors, logo, site map)done Populate data base with offers from TTN memberongoing Provide general web site content (V1.0, home, about us)done Prepare hostingdone Reserve domain namedone Prepare roll out (search, URL heptech.org, etc.)ongoing Success stories (V1.0)done Documents & links (V1.0)done 4 TTN - December

TT Network TTN - December Status TTN Offer TTN MemberTech. Off.ServiceSuccess Stories CEA(3)2+(3) CERN716 Chalmers CNRS/IN2P392 Copenhagen University DESY1 EPFL1 GSI8 INFN1 JSI University of Sofia LIP NTUA1 PSI STFC 5

TT Network Documents and Links Links Documents Intellectual Property  WIPO – World Intellectual Property Organization  EPO – European Patent Office  IPR – Helpdesk - Intellectual Property Rights Helpdesk Technology Transfer  ASTP - Association of European Science & Technology Transfer Professional  AUTM - The Association of University Technology Managers  IRC Network - Innovation Relay Centres Network  PROTON Europe - The pan-European network of Knowledge Transfer Offices (KTOs) and companies affiliated to universities and other Public Research Organisations (PROs) Open Source  - Open Source Initiative HEPTech Intellectual Property Charter COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION on the management of intellectual property in knowledge transfer activities and Code of Practice for universities and other public research organisations 2009 Expert Group on Knowledge Transfer Further input welcome ! 6 TTN - December

TT Network Demo 7 TTN - December

TT Network Next steps Go Live: Necessary actions:  Finalize content  Check final content  Contact information for each TTO needed !  Switch from ttn.extra.cea.fr to heptech.org (some technical modifications)  Advertisement 8 TTN - December

TT Network Advertisement Articles: CERN Bulletin, CERN Courier, other newsletters Websites (not exhaustive):              9 TTN - December

TT Network Offers on complementary and overlapping technologies 10 TTN - December Example 1: PET A set of complementary and overlapping HEP technologies (scintillators, readout devices & electronics, DAQ and event reconstruction) was shaped to a single concept for an application outside HEP: Technologies developed independently in HEP but Proposed and transferred to industry as one concept (technologies PLUS some added value) to enable a new method of medical imaging PET today is a product commercially exploited in combination with CT Example 2: Fluorescence lifetime imaging for life science HEP fast readout electronics (NINO, HPTDC) enabling improved time resolved fluorescence lifetime imaging for in vivo cell studies Readout technologies developed for LHC experiments Requested from applied research to match specific performance needs in instrumentation for life science imaging (enabling technologies) Example 3: GEM and Micromegas Overlapping HEP technology for gaseous detectors enabling large area detectors for fast particle detection Detection technologies developed for LHC experiments (potentially very competitive) Emphasize complementary aspects of each (advantages & inconveniences), identify suitable application domains and shape offer accordingly

TT Network Complementary and overlapping technologies Key questions:  Are there technologies and expertises in the TTN that can be combined to and transferred as solution packages for applications outside HEP ?  How to identify and to assess such technologies and expertises within the TTN ?  How to identify markt prospects and opportunities for such technologies and expertises ?  How to shape and to present offers with regard to such such technologies and expertises ? ― Partnership opportunity, pool of licenses, others ?  How to handle IP, protection, recognition, exploitation in such case ?  How to streamline access conditions for industrial partners (-> WP1) ? 11 TTN - December Team of TTN members to work on a case-by case approach Technology assessment Market assessment Work out concept Shape and present offer

TT Network Further technology offers in the future: Potential offers: NEG (CERN&GSI on an equal footing) Power supply for accelerator magnet on capacitive storage (CERN has the lead, EPFL) Sub-micronic and nanometric material for isotope beam production (EPFL has the lead, CERN) Method for production of radioisotope preparations and their use in life sciences, research, medical application and industry (CERN has the lead, PSI) Burning plasma diagnostic (CEA, INFN) SiPM and related readout electronics Offer building is very time consuming and requires experts in various fields 12 TTN - December

TT Network To do’s for the TTN node representatives Actions (to be started ASAP): Check general content Add further technologies, service offers and success stories Check all your existing offers Provide us with contact information (in particular the relevant URL of your TT Office) Prepare advertisement 13 TTN - December