The Changing World of Endpoint Protection Hashem El Telawi October 2015
INFORMATION HAS BECOME YOUR MOST STRATEGIC ASSET 4/23/2017 Identify trends Understand customer behavior INFORMATION HAS BECOME YOUR MOST STRATEGIC ASSET Analyze opportunities All of this data can be converted to valuable information from which you can derive incredible insights and create a HUGE competitive advantage. Information has become YOUR MOST strategic asset. <Click> Knowing how to zero in on the strategic information and analyze it can allow you to: Identify new market opportunities Gain insight into customer behavior Analyze new opportunities Find operational efficiencies …and more And there is no doubt that this information is incredibly valuable. This information has become the most important, strategic asset for an organization. Discover efficiencies Confidential | Copyright 2012 Trend Micro Inc.
INFORMATION HAS BECOME YOUR MOST STRATEGIC ASSET Payment Card Industry (PCI) 4/23/2017 Protected Health Information (PHI) INFORMATION HAS BECOME YOUR MOST STRATEGIC ASSET Intellectual Property (IP) Personally Identifiable Information (PII) But hidden amongst all that information is loads of sensitive information – information like credit card, health or personal data that your customers expect you to safeguard for them. As well as intellectual property that you need to protect. Confidential | Copyright 2012 Trend Micro Inc.
2 55% 90% $1B+ COMMERCIAL EXPLOIT KITS USED BY VIRTUALLY ALL Payment Card Industry (PCI) 4/23/2017 Protected Health Information (PHI) 2 55% 90% $1B+ COMMERCIAL EXPLOIT KITS USED BY VIRTUALLY ALL EASTERN EUROPEAN CYBERCRIMINALS ESTIMATED COST OF RECENT RETAIL DATA BREACH NEW THREATS CREATED EVERY SECOND ORGANIZATIONS HAVE ACTIVE MALWARE NOT EVEN AWARE OF INTRUSIONS Intellectual Property (IP) Personally Identifiable Information (PII) And this is the same information that Cybercriminals are after. It has truly become a business. 2 new threats are created every second (Source: Trend Micro SPN statistics) <Click> It has become its own underground economy. Virtually all cybercriminals use toolkits. They can download prebuilt executables that allows them to exploit know vulnerabilities. <click> Not surprisingly, we have found that 90% of organizations have active malware, and shockingly more than half are not aware of intrusions. (Source: Trend Micro) Analysts estimate the Target breach has cost Target over $1B, not including the obvious damage to their brand reputation and CIO and CEO lost jobs Source: Jeffries Group Inc. retail analysts Confidential | Copyright 2012 Trend Micro Inc.
World’s Biggest Data Breaches: Most are Hacks 4/23/2017 World’s Biggest Data Breaches: Most are Hacks Hacked Inside Job Interesting story Accidental publish Here’s some recent information about the worlds largest data breaches, showing the number of records exposed. Note that most of these breaches were caused by some sort of hacking or malicious activity vs. an accidental loss or publish of information. Source: Confidential | Copyright 2012 Trend Micro Inc.
Vulnerability Exploits Targeted Attacks Advanced Malware Vulnerability Exploits Traditional Malware Sophistication Employee Data Leaks It’s not just traditional malware and data leaks that organizations have to deal with. Today’s threats to a company’s are much more complex, and range from data leaks and traditional malware, both of which continue to threaten information, to more sophisticated threats of today like vulnerability exploits and advanced malware…not to mention the range of different techniques used in targeted attacks. This range of threats make it much more difficult to protect information, and deal with today’s trends of consumerization, cloud & virtualization, and cyber threats. Time Copyright 2014 Trend Micro Inc.
File/Folder & Removable Media 4/23/2017 Then. . .! Web Access Email & Messaging File/Folder & Removable Media Employees IT Admin In the past, IT had an easier time dealing with employees and all their activities. Users did email, surfed the web, and created documents locally and on file servers as well as USB drives, almost exclusively using Windows and Microsoft applications. You had av at the enpoint, gateway and mailserver. You had antispam at the mail server and gateway, and you had web url filtering at the gateway, and life was good. Copyright 2014 Trend Micro Inc. Confidential | Copyright 2012 Trend Micro Inc.
File/Folder & Removable Media 4/23/2017 Now. . . ! Device Hopping Cloud Sync & Sharing Collaboration Web Access Social Networking Email & Messaging File/Folder & Removable Media Employees IT Admin Today, users are doing more activities – using mobile devices, synchronizing files to the cloud with Drop box and other applications, sharing and collaborating with others using multiple web based applications, and using social networks. The range of devices, operating systems, and client and web based applications make this a very tough environment for IT to support, let alone secure. Copyright 2014 Trend Micro Inc. Confidential | Copyright 2012 Trend Micro Inc.
IT Workload Increasing 4/23/2017 IT Workload Increasing More complex compliance Many more environments IT Admin Today, users are doing more activities – using mobile devices, synchronizing files to the cloud with Drop box and other applications, sharing and collaborating with others using multiple web based applications, and using social networks. The range of devices, operating systems, and client and web based applications make this a very tough environment for IT to support, let alone secure. Copyright 2014 Trend Micro Inc. Confidential | Copyright 2012 Trend Micro Inc.
A Gradual Transition to the Cloud “25% of Office customers now have Office 365. Microsoft, April 2013 Copyright 2014 Trend Micro Inc.
Increased Opportunity for Threats and Data Loss
Evolving Threat Landscape Targeted Attacks Advanced Malware Vulnerability Exploits Traditional Malware Sophistication Employee Data Leaks Time Copyright 2013 Trend Micro Inc.
Customers need a range of capabilities… Email Security Mobile Security Advanced Threat Protection Secure Web Gateway Endpoint Protection Application Control SharePoint Security Encryption DLP Copyright 2014 Trend Micro Inc.
…but don’t want lots of consoles! No interconnected threat response Reduced timeliness Higher cost Higher workload !#$%*?! Email Security Mobile Security Advanced Threat Protection IT Admin Secure Web Gateway Endpoint Protection Application Control ----- Meeting Notes (1/2/14 14:37) ----- Timeliness, not just workload. To react quickly enough. Formatting on the bubble. SharePoint Security Encryption DLP Copyright 2014 Trend Micro Inc.
…or separate cloud / on-premise consoles Copyright 2014 Trend Micro Inc.
Suite vendors help improve this… Email Security Mobile Security Advanced Threat Protection Secure Web Gateway Endpoint Protection Application Control SharePoint Security Encryption DLP Copyright 2014 Trend Micro Inc.
Requirements of an effective endpoint solution Copyright 2014 Trend Micro Inc.
Any device, any app, anywhere Web Access Device Hopping Cloud Sync & Sharing Email & Messaging Collaboration File/Folder & Removable Media Employees Social Networking Anti-Malware Content Filtering Data Loss Prevention Encryption Device Management Application Control Endpoint Solutions IT Admin Security Intelligence Network Copyright 2014 Trend Micro Inc.
It’s not about traditional AV anymore Copyright 2014 Trend Micro Inc.
Evolving Threat Landscape Targeted Attacks Advanced Malware Vulnerability Exploits Traditional Malware Sophistication Employee Data Leaks ----- Meeting Notes (12/30/13 11:02) ----- Ones on the left are the tallest. Y axis is volume. X axis is "Business impact". Remove red boxes, add icon imagery. ----- Meeting Notes (1/2/14 14:37) ----- Flip again. X axis is time. Y axis is Sophistication. Title "Evolving threat landscape. Time Copyright 2013 Trend Micro Inc.
Vulnerability Protection Web Reputation Web Gateway 827M in March 2014 284M in March 2014 Sandboxing Device Control Behavior Monitoring File Reputation Network Forensics Vulnerability Protection Web Reputation Web Gateway DLP Encryption Email Reputation Email Gateway or Server Unpacking Memory Inspection Application Whitelisting SharePoint Server Command & Control Blocking Copyright 2014 Trend Micro Inc.
Comprehensive Protection vs Threats APPLICATION CONTROL BEHAVIOR MONITORING COMMAND&CONTROL BLOCK SANDBOXING INTEGRATION SIG-BASED WEB REP VULNERABILITY PROTECTION BROWSER EXPLOIT PROTECTION DLP ENCRYPTION DEVICE POLICY The Modern Suite Employee Data Leaks Traditional malware Vulnerability exploits Advanced Malware Targeted Attacks Copyright 2014 Trend Micro Inc.
Protection On-Premise and in the Cloud Endpoint Protection Messaging Security Secure Web Gateway ✔ Copyright 2014 Trend Micro Inc.
Superior Cloud / Client Architecture Increases Efficiency Minimal endpoint / network impact Real-time protection 213 MB 118 MB 36 MB Source: Trend Micro, tested on 22nd August 2013 using the latest endpoint products with the latest pattern at the time of testing
A Global Intelligence Data Network 4/23/2017 A Global Intelligence Data Network Collects via global sensor net Big data analytics Global threat intelligence Copyright 2013 Trend Micro Inc. Confidential | Copyright 2012 Trend Micro Inc.
500k commercial customers & Trend Micro Enterprise 26 years focused on security software, now largest pure-play Consistent – A World Safe for Exchanging Digital Information Headquartered in Japan, Tokyo Exchange Nikkei Index (4704) 8 consecutive years on Dow Jones Sustainability Indexes Customers include 48 of top 50 global corporations 5200+ employees, 38 business units worldwide Midsize Business Small Business Consumer Consumers 500k commercial customers & 155M endpoints protected Trend Micro has been in business for 26 years and has focused solely on the security business…Today, we are the largest pure-play security software company in the world. Since we were founded, we have had one consistent vision, and are passionate about making the world a safer place. We are headquartered in Tokyo, Japan, and are listed on the Nikkei Index as 4704. We have been on the Dow Jones Sustainability index for 8 straight years, and our customers include 48 of the top 50 global corporations. We currently have over 5200 employees, in 38 business units worldwide in over 50 countries, and we are protecting over 500,000 businesses and governments, and millions of consumers. Copyright 2014 Trend Micro Inc.
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