HW # 105 – Complete to AND to AND Chapter 5 closure to Chapter 5 Group Test on Mon, Individual Test on Wed Warm Up Pick up a textbook. Read SILENTLY the introduction on p. 298 Copy the 5-D Process questions onto your warm up page. Please place your warm up in the center of the table Week 30, Day Four
Warm Up Response X
Homework Check to AND to a) 1/9 b)1/9 111a)$1.50 b)$9 112a)106 b)50 c)41 113a) x-2x+2-3=-x-1 b)-x+2x+x =x+x 2 114a)P=6x units b)A=x 2 +x+1 un 2 123) b)x+2 side c)12 & 14 units 124a)-11 b)-11 c)54 125a)6x-1 b)3x a)11.4% b)9.38% c)Mid. School 127a)Yes b)The Distributive Property
5.3.4 How can I represent it? Using variables to represent quantities in word problems AND How can I solve it? More word problem solving CW: to AND 5-143