The President and the Executive Branch Chapter 7
Section 1 The President and Vice President
Words to Know Electoral College: A group of people named by each state legislature to select the president and vice president. Elector: Person appointed to vote in presidential elections for the major candidates.
Qualifications for President The President heads the Executive branch of the govt. Presidency is top political job in the U.S. The President of the U.S. is considered the most important job in the world: Power and global influence of the world
Qualifications for President cont. Constitutional requirements for presidency: Must be at least 35 years old Native born American Citizen Resident of the U.S. for at least 14 years Anyone who meets these requirements can become president
Electing a President Presidential Elections happen every 4 years Constitution does not provide for direct popular election of the President: Electoral College Each state appoints electors: when you vote for a candidate, you are really voting for a list of presidential electors pledged to that candidate
Electing a President cont. Each state has as many electoral votes as the total of its U.S. senators and representatives. States with larger populations have more electoral votes Electoral College includes 538 electors Winner-take-all system Winner could have less popular votes Winner must receive 270 of possible 538 votes
Salary and Benefits President = $400,000 per year: Plus money for expenses and travel Lives and works at the White House: Movie theater Gym Bowling alley Heated pool Staff of 80 people to take care of president and family
Salary and Benefits cont. Camp David: Estate in the mountains of Maryland Special cars Helicopters Airplanes: Air Force One (specially equipped jet)
The Vice President Elected with president through electoral college Same qualifications for office as the president Constitution gives little authority to the v.p.: Article I of constitution: V.P. presides over the Senate and vote in case of a tie The V.P. is next in line for the presidency if something were to happen to the president: This has happened 9 times
Presidential Succession 8 presidents have died while in office. Presidential Succession Act: Indicates the line of succession after the V.P. Speaker of the House President Pro Tempore of the Senate Secretary of State Other members
25 th Amendment If a president dies or leaves office the V.P. becomes president then chooses a new V.P. Both Senate and House must approve selection. Used 3 times
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