GCSE Core Chemistry Exam tip; When asked about the properties DO NOT include cost. This is NOT a property of a substance Keywords: Alloy, mixture, shape memory alloy Prior Learning: Properties of iron and steels
GCSE Core Chemistry Exam tip; When asked about the properties DO NOT include cost. This is NOT a property of a substance Learning Objectives: By the end of the lesson I can: Alloys are more useful than pure metals. Many metals in everyday use are alloys. Pure copper, gold and aluminium are too soft for many uses and so are mixed with small amounts of similar metals to make them harder for everyday use.Many metals in everyday use are alloys. Pure copper, gold and aluminium are too soft for many uses and so are mixed with small amounts of similar metals to make them harder for everyday use. Smart alloys are memory shape alloys. Smart alloys can return to their original shape after being deformed. Smart alloys can return to their original shape after being deformed. Evaluate the benefits, drawbacks and risks of using metals as structural materials and as smart materials. Evaluate the benefits, drawbacks and risks of using metals as structural materials and as smart materials.
GCSE Core Chemistry Exam tip; When asked about the properties DO NOT include cost. This is NOT a property of a substance SMART DEMONSTRATION WHATISHAPPENING?
GCSE Core Chemistry Exam tip; When asked about the properties DO NOT include cost. This is NOT a property of a substance Pick your dodgeball team IronCopper Silver Brass Bronze Aluminium Tin Gold Zinc CopperSMA TEAM:METALTEAM:ALLOY
GCSE Core Chemistry Exam tip; When asked about the properties DO NOT include cost. This is NOT a property of a substance Research & Presentation 1.You have 15mins to produce an A5 set of notes & a question that checks for understanding. You will need to include; Definition of an alloy An example of the alloy Properties of the alloy Uses of the alloy TEACH 2.You will be asked to TEACH about your alloy to 2 others so that you all gain an understanding of the 3 types of alloys. –Copper & its alloys (p44) –Gold, Aluminium & their alloys (p45) –SMAs (p45)
GCSE Core Chemistry Exam tip; When asked about the properties DO NOT include cost. This is NOT a property of a substance Learning Objectives: By the end of the lesson I can: Alloys are more useful than pure metals. Many metals in everyday use are alloys. Pure copper, gold and aluminium are too soft for many uses and so are mixed with small amounts of similar metals to make them harder for everyday use.Many metals in everyday use are alloys. Pure copper, gold and aluminium are too soft for many uses and so are mixed with small amounts of similar metals to make them harder for everyday use. Smart alloys are memory shape alloys. Smart alloys can return to their original shape after being deformed. Smart alloys can return to their original shape after being deformed. Evaluate the benefits, drawbacks and risks of using metals as structural materials and as smart materials. Evaluate the benefits, drawbacks and risks of using metals as structural materials and as smart materials.