JEOPARDY 4 CATEGORIES Multiply Binomials (FOIL) Factoring Binomials Solving Quadratics Jack Bauer and Quadratics
Multiplying Binomials
Factoring Binomials
Solving Quadratics
Jack Bauer and Quadratics
Multiplying Binomials: 200 The factored form is (x+3)(x+2)
Multiplying Binomials: 400 The factored form is (x-9)(x-4)
Multiplying Binomials: 600 The factored form is (2x+1)(x-2)
Multiplying Binomials: 800 The factored form is (3x+2)(2x+7)
Multiplying Binomials: 1000 The factored form is (17x +1)(10x-1)
Factoring Binomials: 200 The product is x² + 6x +9
Factoring Binomials: 400 The product is x²-4x-21
Factoring Binomials: 600 The product is x²-10x+16
Factoring Binomials: 800 The product is 4x²-1
Factoring Binomials: 1000 The product is 3x²+18x+15
Solving Quadratics: 200 x²+9x+18=0 has these zeroes
Solving Quadratics: 400 x²-18x+32=0 has these zeroes.
Solving Quadratics: 600 5x²+21x+4=0 has these zeroes
Solving Quadratics: x²-16=0 has these zeroes
Solving Quadratics: x²+44x+28=0 has these zeroes
Jack Bauer: 200 The factors of this expression are (x+6) and (x+4)
Jack Bauer: 400 x²-24x+144 has just this zero.
Jack Bauer: 600 The product of these two factors is 24x²-11x+1
Jack Bauer: 800 The factors of this expression are 4x(x-3)(x+9)
Jack Bauer: x²-9x-2 has these zeroes.
TEKS B (9) Quadratic and other nonlinear functions. The student understands that the graphs of quadratic functions are affected by the parameters of the function and can interpret and describe the effects of changes in the parameters of quadratic functions. The student is expected to: – (A) determine the domain and range for quadratic functions in given situations; – (B) investigate, describe, and predict the effects of changes in a on the graph of y = ax 2 + c; – (C) investigate, describe, and predict the effects of changes in c on the graph of y = ax 2 + c; and – (D) analyze graphs of quadratic functions and draw conclusions. (10) Quadratic and other nonlinear functions. The student understands there is more than one way to solve a quadratic equation and solves them using appropriate methods. The student is expected to: – (A) solve quadratic equations using concrete models, tables, graphs, and algebraic methods; and – (B) make connections among the solutions (roots) of quadratic equations, the zeros of their related functions, and the horizontal intercepts (x-intercepts) of the graph of the function.