Georgia Technology Authority GTA-3233 Consolidated Service Desk opinGTA Your Opinion Counts GETS Transformation Kick Off OrderNow: What’s New? 04/21/2010
Georgia Technology Authority GTA-3233 Consolidated Service Desk opinGTA Your Opinion Counts GETS Transformation Kick Off OrderNow: What’s New? Carole Ferguson 04/21/2010
3 Georgia Technology Authority Service Catalog / OrderNow! The GETS portal provides a work flow process for approving orders The Service Catalog is available via the GETS portal using the OrderNow! tool ▪Includes products, services, and configurations currently available from IBM and AT&T All end user computing equipment is optional ▪Monitors, printers, and other peripherals must be approved The Service Catalog provides a single point of process and approval for ordering services and equipment, which improves service and lowers cost
4 Georgia Technology Authority Service Catalog / OrderNow! – Usability Enhancements Agency user feedback is the basis for enhancements Renamed/reorganized Catalog Categories for clarity/navigation ease Created Sub Grouping in Categories for easier navigation Service Catalog Configuration Function enabled ▪Provides increased flexibility in bundling Services
5 Georgia Technology Authority Additional items added for group distribution requests Updates to PC equipment and services ▪IMAC category configurations and associated pricing Service Catalog / OrderNow! Updates
6 Georgia Technology Authority Service Catalog / OrderNow! Updates Sub-Category Page - IMAC ▪Office Move Using Configurator
7 Georgia Technology Authority Service Catalog / OrderNow! Updates April 10 Release Catalog Changes ▪Q2 Updates – ‘standard’ pricing updates to existing configurations ▪Enable EUC Purchase Business Level for Select Users only Only to contain EUC “Lease” Equipment – Primarily PCs ▪Enable ability to request low cost computing accessories Includes: keyboards, mice, speakers, carry bags RFS Excel File Attachment ▪Enables more RFS detail capture up-front in process Reduces call-backs to RFS initiator Reduces RFS response time
Georgia Technology Authority GTA-3233 Consolidated Service Desk opinGTA Your Opinion Counts GETS Transformation Kick Off OrderNow: What’s New? Paul Bloodworth 04/21/2010
9 Georgia Technology Authority SERVICE CATALOG – Updates FROM AT&T January - April Enhancements to User Experience: Voic Reset Added to Employee Separator (Reset Password) Refinement of RFS (Request for Solution) Checklist Added “Cart Quantity” detail to reflect order information Conducting six “Focus Group” sessions across the state to solicit User Feedback for ordering improvement opportunities New Catalog Items (RUs) Added new options for Video Conferencing Add Webcams to catalog (will be in April release) Customer Communications: Added links to MNS Service Delivery Intervals on Welcome Screen Added detail to VPN descriptions to assist agencies in ordering
10 Georgia Technology Authority May Release (DOC only) - AT&T USER ACCOUNT CREATION to change from form to Configurator Module Easier selection of items / roll-up of published costs easier to identify Add information to AT&T forms – including drop-down feature for WIRE or No WIRE Options SERVICE CATALOG – Updates FROM AT&T
Georgia Technology Authority GTA-3233 Consolidated Service Desk opinGTA Your Opinion Counts GETS Transformation Kick Off OrderNow: What’s New? Carole Ferguson 04/21/2010
12 Georgia Technology Authority Can we purchase items through the catalog instead of lease? ▪Yes. There is a separate business level for purchases as defined by the GTA How do I add my address to the ship to location? ▪Choose "new site" catalog entry, then "new cost centre/ship to location" and fill in the appropriate information. It will be confirmed and added to OrderNow How do I find out who my super user is for OrderNow? ▪Your SDC maintains a current agency listing How do I change the approval chain for my agency? ▪Your agency Super User provides that information to the OrderNow team for processing How do I order an office move (through IMAC or RFS?) ▪An office move can be done thru the catalog, however, if it is greater than 10 people, then it should be an RFS How do I make an OrderNow suggestion? ▪Each agency has an OrderNow Super User who has access to the catalog committee who prioritize changes OrderNow – Commonly Asked Questions
13 Georgia Technology Authority Is there OrderNow help beyond the Service Desk? ▪Yes. The caller will be transferred to the OrderNow Help desk issues unresolved by the Service Desk Why is the price in the catalog different than the one on my bill? ▪The price within OrderNow is an estimate How do I tell which printers are network printers and which are local printers? ▪The naming structure designates network versus local How do I order several users to be connected to an existing network printer? ▪An order must be placed to update the existing configuration. Fill in the form with the user information. If a printer is being purchased, the order must contain comments specifying who needs to be connected How do I change my id in OrderNow? (I got married/divorced and my is changed) ▪The id does not need to be changed to continue using OrderNow. If the address needs so be changed, the user should call in a ticket to the Service Desk and it will be routed to the appropriate team to update the information OrderNow – Commonly Asked Questions
14 Georgia Technology Authority Questions? Find presentations from today’s Transformation Kick-off and much more GETS-related info on GTA’s Web site: