For Version 4.0 and later Lattice3D Reporter Tutorial For Version 4.0 and later LATTICE TECHNOLOGY, INC.
June 2010 Lattice Technology, Inc. 2 Agenda Overview –Menus and Toolbars –3D View Window –3D View Toolbars –License Setup Basic Operations –Inserting 3D model –Sharing 3D Model in multiple sheets –Deleting 3D model –3D View Display Control –Changing the 3D View Size –Creating Snapshot –Applying Snapshot –Cross-link Selection Advanced Operations –Inserting 3D model as an external file –Replacing 3D model –Changing the List Range –Permitting Cross-Linking –Using Parts List –Using Process List –Using Disassembly Parts List –Using Annotation/Dimension List –Using Property File –Setting Print Quality –Using/Creating Templates 3D View Operations –3D View Operations –Playing Animation Template Option –Using/Creating Templates
June 2010 Lattice Technology, Inc. 4 (1) 3D View A 3D model view is embedded in Excel sheet. You can view/edit a 3D model in this view. (2) Menu You can use most functions of Lattice3D Reporter from Lattice menu. (3) Lattice Toolbar Frequently used functions are available from the toolbar. (4) List Several different types of list are generated automatically. (1) (2)(2) (3)(3) (4)(4) Menus and Toolbars
June 2010 Lattice Technology, Inc. 5 (1) Toolbar Frequently used functions such as view manipulations and controls are available here. (2) Assembly Tree The assembly structure of the 3D model is displayed here. (3) Right Click Menus Most operations are available from right click menus. (4) Graphic Window Main place to operate on the 3D model. (1) (2)(2) (4)(4) (3)(3) 3D View Window
June 2010 Lattice Technology, Inc. 6 (1) File Toolbar (2) View Toolbar (3) Display Toolbar (4) Operation Toolbar (5) Measurement Toolbar (6) Cross-section Toolbar (7) Layout Toolbar (8) Animation Toolbar Edit Mode View Mode 3D View Toolbars Lattice3D Reporter contains 8 different toolbars.
June 2010 Lattice Technology, Inc. 7 1.To install a node-locked license file: 1.Select Start > All Programs > Lattice3D Reporter > License Folder to open the license folder. 2.Place the license file in the license folder. 2.To connect to a floating license server: 1.Right-click and select Lattice > License… to bring up the License dialog box. 2.Change the License source to License server. 3.Enter the Host name and Port No of the license server. 4.Select OK to save the changes. 1 2 License Setup
Basic Operations
June 2010 Lattice Technology, Inc. 9 Inserting 3D Model 1.Specify the area for the 3D model in Excel sheet. 2.Click the Insert/Replace 3D model icon from the Lattice toolbar. 3.Select 3D model to insert then click Open. 4.3D model is inserted in the specified area of Excel sheet. 5.If Open in Another Window is checked, 3D model is displayed in the External View window
June 2010 Lattice Technology, Inc. 10 Sharing 3D Model in multiple sheets 1.Specify the area for the 3D model in Excel sheet. 2.Select the 3D Model Sharing icon from the Lattice toolbar to open the Shared3D Model dialog. 3.Select 3D model you want to share from the list. 4.Clicking OK will embed the 3D data in the sheet
June 2010 Lattice Technology, Inc. 11 Deleting 3D Model 1.Select the Delete 3D Model icon from Lattice Toolbar. 2.Click Yes if you replace the 3D view by its image. 3.Click No if you delete the object completely Image Deleted
June 2010 Lattice Technology, Inc. 12 3D View Display Control 1.Click the Display 3D Model icon to show/hide the 3D View. 2.Click the Open 3D Model in Another Window icon to display the 3D View in the external window. 3.Click the Return to sheet button to return the 3D view to the Excel sheet. 4.Clicking the Close button will hide the External View window. To show the window again, click the Display 3D Model icon from the Lattice toolbar. 1 2
June 2010 Lattice Technology, Inc. 13 Changing the 3D View Size 1.Select View > Toolbars > Control Toolbox from Excel menu. 2.Select Design Mode icon from the Control Toolbox Toolbar. 3.Select the 3D View and change its size. 4.Select the Exit Design Mode icon. 5.3D View size is changed
June 2010 Lattice Technology, Inc. 14 Creating List 1.Select a cell at the location where the list will be created. 2.Click the Create List icon to open the Create List dialog. 3.Select the List Type. 4.Specify the Output Target. 5.Select properties that are included in the list and change their order. 6.Click OK to create the list
June 2010 Lattice Technology, Inc. 15 Creating Snapshot 1.Select a cell where the snapshot will be created. 2.Click the Create/Update Snapshot icon to open the Create Snapshot dialog. 3.Specify an image of the snapshot. 4.Specify the size of the snapshot. 5.Click Apply to create a snapshot
June 2010 Lattice Technology, Inc. 16 Applying Snapshot 1.Select a snapshot image from the sheet. 2.Selected snapshot will be applied in the 3D View. Applying a snapshot from images 3.Select a snapshot from the Apply Snapshot list. 4.Selected snapshot will be applied in the 3D View. Applying a snapshot from the list 1 2 You can select snapshot from the list if snapshots are created in XVL Studio. 3 4
June 2010 Lattice Technology, Inc. 17 Cross-Link Selection 1.Toggle the Cross-Link icon in the Lattice toolbar. 2.Select a cell in the list to highlight the associated part in the 3D view. 3.Select a snapshot to apply it in the 3D View. 1 3D objects are cross-linked between 3D View and the created lists/snapshots. 2 3 License is required to use cross-link function. With Template option, cross-link function will be available with free viewer. For more details, please see ‘Permitting Cross-Linking’ page. 3
Advanced Operations
June 2010 Lattice Technology, Inc. 19 Inserting 3D Model as Externally Linked Object 1.In the Insert/Replace 3D Model dialog, select the Link button. 2.Select the path type of the 3D model that is to be linked. 3.Click Open. 4.Now the 3D model is externally linked to the Excel sheet. 1 2 Excel Sheet 3D Model 3 4
June 2010 Lattice Technology, Inc. 20 Replacing/Updating 3D Model 1.Click the Insert/Replace 3D Model icon to open the Replace 3D Model dialog. 2.Select a file to replace. 3.Select the Update setting button. 4.Select the target data to be updated from the original 3D model. 5.Check Link to parts with matching names ON if you replace the 3D model by a design changed model. 6.Check Match the same part name OFF if you replace the 3D model by a completely different model. 7.Click Open to replace the 3D model , 6
June 2010 Lattice Technology, Inc. 21 Changing the List Range 1.Insert a row or a column to the list and enter values. 2.Clicking a inserted cell does not cross-link to the 3D View. 3.Select all cells of the list including inserted cells. 4.Click the Set List Range button. 5.Inserted cells are included in the cross- linking range. After inserting cells to a list, you can include the inserted cells as parts of cross- linking range
June 2010 Lattice Technology, Inc. 22 Permitting Cross-Linking With Template option of Lattice3D Reporter, you can permit cross-linking to each Excel sheet so that uses can use cross-linking function without license. You can permit cross-linking in two different ways. 1.Open Insert/Replace 3D Model dialog. 2.Check the Permit Cross-Link check box. 3.Click Open to insert the 3D model. Permit cross-linking when inserting 3D model 4.Select Lattice > Permit Cross-Link to open Permit Cross-Link dialog. 5.Select a sheet from the list. 6.Click the Permit button. Permit cross-linking from menu You can also check the ‘Permit’ status from Permit Cross-Link dialog Template Option
June 2010 Lattice Technology, Inc. 23 Using Parts List 1.Create a parts list. 2.When you select a part in the 3D View, the associated part on the parts list will be highlighted. 3.When you select a cell in the parts list, the associated part in the 3D View will be highlighted. 2 3
June 2010 Lattice Technology, Inc. 24 Using Process List You can play process animation that is associated with a process list. 1.Create a process list. 2.Select Lattice > Options to open Options dialog. 3.Select the Other tab. 4.Select Animation for Process list then click OK. Preparation 5.Selecting a cell in the process list will change the 3D View to the selected process scene. 6.To play process animation, change the 3D view mode to View Mode and select the Animation Toolbar. Operation Process animation is created in XVL Studio Standard
June 2010 Lattice Technology, Inc. 25 Using Annotation/Dimension List 1.Create a annotation/dimension in XVL Studio. –Set view to each annotation/dimension in the edit panel of XVL Studio. 2.Create Annotation/Dimension list in Excel sheet. 3.Selecting a cell in the dimension/annotation list will change the 3D View to the view of selected annotation/dimension. 1 XVL Studio 2 3
June 2010 Lattice Technology, Inc. 26 Using Disassembly Parts List 1.Create a disassembly tree in XVL Studio. –Structure can be redefined. –ID Numbers are added to parts automatically. –Annotations are added to parts automatically. 2.Create Disassembly Parts List in Excel sheet. 3.When you select a part in the 3D View, the associated part on the parts list will be highlighted. 4.When you select a cell in the parts list, the associated part in the 3D View will be highlighted. XVL Studio Parts list based on disassembly tree 1 2
June 2010 Lattice Technology, Inc. 27 Using Property File 1.On the Create List dialog, specify the output properties and their order. 2.Click the Export button to save the output properties in XML file. 3.Click the Import button to import the saved XML file. 4.Output properties are reflected on the list. You can import/export list property information in XML format Properties on the list Create List Dialog
June 2010 Lattice Technology, Inc. 28 Setting Print Quality 1.Select Lattice > Options to open Options dialog. 2.Select the Other tab. 3.Specify 3D model print settings. 4.Click OK. You can set print quality of 3D model. Resolution: 96 dpiResolution: 300 dpi
3D View Operations
June 2010 Lattice Technology, Inc. 30 3D View Operations Most operations of 3D view window are same as XVL Player Pro (Ver. 9 and later). Please refer to XVL Player Pro Tutorial for detailed operations in the 3D view window.
June 2010 Lattice Technology, Inc. 31 Playing Animation Use Animation Toolbar to play animation: 1.Select Switch to View Mode icon from the toolbar and change to the View Mode. 2.Select Animation Toolbar. 3.Use animation controls to play animation
Template Option
Lattice Technology, Inc. 33 Template Option By using predefined templates, you can generate Excel content with one click. June 2010 Lattice3D Reporter Template XVL file Clicking the Create Report icon will generate the work sheet based on the template. Excel work sheet Template Option Lattice3D Reporter
June 2010 Lattice Technology, Inc. 34 Creating Report from Template 1.Open an Excel template. 2.Click the Create Report button in the toolbar. 3.Specify the 3D model. 4.Excel sheet is automatically generated based on the template. By using predefined templates, you can generate Excel contents with one click. Template Option
June 2010 Lattice Technology, Inc. 35 Creating Templates 1.Open an Excel sheet and name it as “L3D_Reporter_Form”. 2.Edit the sheet and create a form template. 3.Open another Excel sheet and name it as “L3D_Reporter_Param”. 4.Set template parameters to this sheet. 5.Save the Excel file. Lattice3D Reporter Template is built using two different sheets – the Form and the Parameters. By editing the form template and its parameters, you can create your own templates. Form TemplateTemplate Parameters * Sample templates are located under “\Template” folder. * See “Lattice3D Reporter Template Manual” for the detail about how to edit the template and its parameters Template Option
Lattice3D Reporter Publisher
Lattice Technology, Inc. 37 Lattice3D Reporter Publisher 1/2 Lattice3D Reporter Publisher allows the automated batch creation of 3D spreadsheets using pre-defined templates from within an ERP/PLM or other system. The software uses command line execution, combining the power of Lattice3D Reporter and Template Option with existing IT infrastructure and workflows. June 2010 Lattice3D Reporter Template XVL files Lattice3D Reporter PublisherMS Excel Reports EXE l3dreppub.exe * Lattice3D Reporter and Template option are included in Lattice3D Publisher. * No GUI is provided for command line execution.
Lattice Technology, Inc. 38 Lattice3D Reporter Publisher 2/2 June 2010 l3dreppub.exe {/log: } Basic Format: ArgumentDescription xls_fileFile name of published report (Excel file) tmpl_fileLattice3D Reporter template file xvl_fileXVL file used to create reports log_fileLog file name (Optional) * See more details in “ Lattice3D Reporter Publisher Manual”. * Arguments in braces ({ }) are optional.
June 2010 Lattice Technology, Inc. 39 Questions? E. T F W.