Welcome to the reception classes!!
2 Settling In Home Visit Small groups start each day Stay for lunch from the first week. Week 1 home time 1:30 Week 2 and beyond 3:15 Full time from Wednesday 14th September
3 Routine of the Day Self Register Guided activities and free flow play Group times Finish and collect from the classroom doors.
4 Help your child to be ready for school Help them to manage coats, shoes, toilet Talking about school in a positive way Reading and talking with your child
5 Clothing All weathers –changeable Safe Old Uniform Labels Lost property Forest School
6 Lunch Time Main school for lunchtime, in their first week early years staff will stay and then gradually phase out. Everyone can have a free school dinner Packed lunch –Water –Healthy Sharon Clark –Designated midday meals staff for each class
7 Parental Help Sharing experiences Trips/Forest School – volunteering –Bank of regular volunteers
8 Supporting your child at home Reading with your child Using reading writing and counting in real life Play with sounds Play with them and talk about absolutely anything! Wows!
9 Communication Person to person Greet you and your child each morning After school better for discussion Informal learning evening in the first term Parent teacher interview after Christmas Printed/electronic PAT Folders Early years newsletter Letters re trips etc. Letters and Sounds booklet Classroom windows Website –J.Buzz
10 Thank you