What does my child's reading level mean? Presented by: Amy Buckingham & Carolyn Prongay
Components of Reading Comprehension- (understanding) Fluency- (rate, phrasing, expression) Accuracy- (decoding)
Why is it important to know a student's reading level? During independent reading should be reading with ease (fluency & comprehension) During instructional/ guided reading should be reading text that are more challenging
How can I find out the levels of books? Scholastic book wizard Back of certain books Scholastic catalog Ask your child’s teacher Book list- home.comcast.net/~ngiansante/
How can I help my K-2 student? Sight words-flashcards Letter names and sounds (Fundations) Create a book box of books child can read Use pictures as clues Have your child make predictions, ask questions even come up with an alternative ending Play rhyming games Play board games Read aloud to your child everyday!
How can I help my 3-5 student? Help guide your child with finding texts that are at their reading level and of high interest (five finger rule) Most of your child's reading can be spent reading silently. However, discuss the text with them. Have them read at least 5 minutes aloud. Support your child while responding to text in writing. Check that they are able to demonstrate an understanding of what they read.
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