Welcome to Mrs. Cabaj’s 4 th grade classroom! Please look for your child’s name on the Tuesday folders. Write a little note to your child on the neon green sticky paper for the first day of school (they love these notes). Be sure his/her name is on it clearly. Begin filling out the Parent Contact Sheet
Background Information Mrs. Cabaj (pronounced Sah-Bye; rhymes with rabbi) Classroom website: This is my 16 th year teaching Please leave a few words of encouragement for your child on the sticky note. The kids usually keep these the whole year.
S.T.E.M. All schools are required to teach specific standards and have the same budget. Emblem Academy will be INTENTIONAL about integrating math, science, technology, etc. into the curricula. Sample standard: Identify the reasons a speaker provides to support particular points. The speakers will be related to math, science, technology, etc.
S.T.E.M. First few weeks – focus on procedures, routines, character, and teamwork After fall break – STEMinars on Tuesdays and Thursdays where students choose electives Please share any ideas you may have
Common Core State Standards (CCSS) – Language Arts Non-fiction and fiction reading Writing is a major component in all academic areas (prove with evidence) Fourth grade has CREATED curriculum to teach Common Core (SBUS – Standards Based Units of Study). There is not a book to follow along since all academic areas are incorporated into teaching the standards. Each lesson builds on the previous day(s); therefore, being at school is necessary to fully learn the concepts.
Common Core State Standards (CCSS) – Math Basic math facts are a necessity Answers need to be explained Diving deeper into a variety of ways to solve a problem Real life problems (planning a day at the zoo or an amusement park) Performance Tasks will assess multiple skills
Daily Schedule 8:10-8:40 CORE rotation 8:40-10:25 English Language Arts (STEM integrated) 10:25-10:45 Recess 10:45-12:00 Math 12-12:25 Literature Circles/Silent Reading/Teacher Read Aloud 12:25-1:10 Lunch 1:10-2:49 Physical Education (3 times a week)/Science/Social Studies/STEMinars Early Dismissal on Wednesdays (1:39pm)
Rules will focus on teamwork and character. Rewards Character tallies Class Cash Student Store Table Points Verbal Praise Bucket Fillers Consequences Verbal warning Name on board Check next to name Detention (“Think Sheet” sent home to be signed)
Homework Assigned Monday-Thursday with reading nightly. Please initial the Binder Reminder each night and include how many minutes your child read Students’ responsibility to write down homework (usually it is posted on my website) Missing or incomplete homework will be made up at recess; absences excluded All work should take about 60 minutes. If it takes longer, please me.
Grading Letter grades are given in 4-6 th grades A – % B – 80-90% C – 70-79% N – 0-69% Late assignments go down a letter grade each day they are late
Grading Continued Extra credit will be offered at the end of each chapter for science. No late work will be accepted. A parent signature is required on tests earning 75% or lower. It is VERY important that all absence work be completed and turned in by the date given. Any missing assignments will result in zeroes. This has a HUGE impact on grades especially in social studies and science.
Help Your Child Succeed Check Binder Reminder and sign it each night. Check work in the Tuesday Folders. Tests and other class work will be sent home in them. Assignments below 75% are to be signed and returned. Sign and return the folder each week. Assist with studying. Study guides will be provided a week ahead of time for science and social studies. Communicate with me about concerns and possible modifications. TEAM: Together Everyone Achieves More
Volunteers T.B. Test is mandatory to work in classroom. Sign-ups in the back of the room Volunteer time includes: reading with students, filing, copying, library helpers, Tuesday folders, presenting career to class, bulletin boards, JUNIOR ACHIEVEMENT, etc. If you would like to help but cannot come into the classroom, please let me know. I have some things that can be done at home.
Extra Information Please Take With You: PPT handout School Handouts Please Give to Me: Slip indicating how your child will get home “Parent Contact Sheet” – Today or on the first day of school
Extra Information Attendance: Schools get money based on attendance. It is very important for all students to be in their desks when the bell rings for us to maximize the limited funds we receive. However, if your child has a fever or is very sick, please keep him/her at home to prevent germs from spreading. PTA: membership drive and volunteering - child earns Sit by a Friend Pass, No Homework Pass, or Lunch with the Teacher Pass for each sign up (limit of 5 passes per student)