1 st Screen If you have forgotten your password please click here and the system will send this to you once a few security questions have been answered Area : for userguide for any help required, pdf download, standard terms, and administration area also for Printwell Logon once above completed Your password Your username
2 nd screen Your categories click here to go your item next page DO NOT use as otherwise you will be required to LOGIN again To view categories To search for a PRODUCT (see further slide) To view OLD outstanding Orders ONLY To view current SPECIAL offers (see further slide) To view YOUR favourite items (see further slide)
3 rd Screen Click here to order this item next page Click here to add to your favourite TIP: at this point add only if standard item not if a personalised product
4 th Screen Variable DATA ordering Click here to order this item and not view proof Click here to view proof once the above variable data has been completed You must complete this area for a personalised product ONLY for a non variable standard stock product you will not get this This area lets you have any instruction(s) regards to the variable line you are completing
5 th screen PROOF The proof will be displayed and you must check all the variable data information as any incorrect information will not be able to be corrected once ordered and it will be your responsibility. If the proof is correct please click here if you wish to add to your shopping basket If the proof is INCORRECT and requires amending please click here to amend If you wish to order & also retain the artwork for future use please add to your favourite
6 th Screen FAVOURITES Please can you click this AFTER you have ticked the ADD or DELETE buttons Please click here if you wish to ADD to your shopping basket Please click here if you wish to DELETE from your FAVOURITES BASKET If you wish to EDIT an old favourite and re proof click here IMPORTANT NOTE: If you wish to find an OLD favourite and you have LOTS of items in your favourite basket then please do the following: go to EDIT then FIND OR CTRL F
7 th screen Current Orders/ Shopping Basket Now you have something in your shopping basket it displays Please click here if you DO NOT wish to to order this particular time it will be ticked as DEFAULT for you to be able to order also it will ALWAYS be in your shopping basked until you cancel the item from the list see ACROSS This applies to variable items only You can amend the quantity as shown BUT you must click the recalculate button if you want to amend 100% You can cancel on or more items but the CONFIRM must be clicked When you have amended the quantity you need to click this button to confirm the new price and quantity If you are happy with the above and wish to process the order If you wish to shop for more items
8 th screen Confirmation of all details If you are happy with the above and wish to process the order to the final stage of payment These are your personal details and where the acknowledgement will be sent to. Please click here if you wish amend normally it will default to you delivery address Please click here if you wish amend
SEC PAY SCREEN 100% SECURE (this is 3 rd party WEB security company to ensure highest level of security for your payment and will be a separate window box) RED words you MUST complete You are able to pay via VISA ACCESS or SWITCH Billing address and shipping address are defaulted from the previous screen YOU CANNOT AMEND here it is vital you amend on the previous screen
SEARCH PRODUCTS ONLY You are able to search by product name and by pictures as well as text