China and the New Imperialism
British and Chinese Trade Prior to the 1800s, Chinese rulers placed strict limits on foreign trade China traded silk, porcelain, and tea, in exchange for gold and silver China experienced a trade surplus- exporting more than it imported Other nations experienced a trade deficit- buying more goods than they were selling to China
The Opium War In the late 1700s, British merchants began trading opium, grown in India for Chinese tea Many Chinese became addicted to opium, so they started to sell silver so they could afford it, disrupting China’s economy Chinese government outlaws opium, but Britain refuses to stop trading, citing the right to free trade In 1839, Opium War takes place. Chinese are easily defeated by Britain’s far superior weaponry
Unequal Treaties In 1842, Britain forced China to sign the Treaty of Nanjing In it, Britain received a huge indemnity- payment for losses in the war, also gained the island of Hong Kong The treaty also granted British citizens in China extraterritoriality- the right to live under their own laws and be tried in their own courts
Taiping Rebellion Weakens China By the 1800s, the Qing dynasty was in decline Peasants were burdened for many reasons: Population explosion Tax evasion of the rich Official Corruption Taiping Rebellion- peasants rebelling against the Qing dynasty Lasted from 1850-1864 Eventually the rebels were defeated Caused the death of between 20-30 million Chinese
Launching Reform Efforts Educated Chinese were divided over the need to adopt western ways China’s wealth and taxes came from the land, no need for new industries Missionaries/new technologies would challenge the Confucian order
“self Strengthening” movement Imported Western technology Set up factories to make modern weapons Developed shipyards, railroads, mining, and light industry Translated Western works on science, government, and the economy Government did not back the movement, so ultimately, it failed
Sino-Japanese War Western powers and nearby Japan moved rapidly ahead Japan began to modernize in 1868, joining the Western imperialists in the competition for a global empire. Japan easily defeated in the Sino-Japanese War, forcing China to give up the island of Taiwan.
Spheres of Influence Following the Sino-Japanese defeat, countries fought for spheres of influence in China. Many European nations, along with Russia, carved up China and occupied territory throughout the country. The U.S. called for an Open Door Policy in China, which kept Chinese trade open to everyone on an equal basis.
Hundred Days of reform Chinese citizens were furious that China refused to modernize as Japan had. In 1898, Guang Xu started the 100 days of reform New laws set out to modernize civil service exams, streamline government, and encourage new industries Conservatives rallied against the reform, and imprisoned Xu
Qing Dynasty Falls In 1899, a group of Chinese had formed a secret society, the Righteous Harmonious Fists They trained in martial arts, and were dubbed, the “Boxers” They wanted to force all foreign influence out of China In 1900, they attacked foreigners across China and were easily defeated.
Aftermath After China is defeated again, even conservatives turn to the idea of Westernization. Expanded their school systems to teach science and math Expanded their economy Mining, shipping, railroads, banking, and exporting crops grew Chinese business class emerged, and a new working class began to press for rights
Three Principles The Chinese government introduced a constitutional monarchy by the early 1900s Sun Yat-sen was a popular spokesman for the new Chinese republic First principle- Nationalism Second principle- Democracy Third principle- Livelihood Sun Yat-sen eventually became president of the new Chinese Republic in 1911 and was constantly at war with itself or foreign invaders.