A JESSICA Model Igloo Regeneration JESSICA Background The Blueprint Model Delivering JESSICA Conclusions
Digital Media Centre
Igloo Regeneration April 2002 €200m equity 15 investors Fund Managers, Pension Funds, Ethical Investors €4.5 Billion end value portfolio
Leeds, Tower Works
Igloo Regeneration Mixed use, Well designed, Environmentally sustainable Property developments Edge of the top 20 city centres
Bermondsey Square
Igloo Regeneration Fund developers Invest in partnerships with the public regeneration agencies Develop and hold investments Buy completed investments
Cardiff, Tiger Bay
Igloo Footprint Design, Environment, Social, Happiness Core Business Process Four Assessment Stages High Profile Audit Committee
Igloo SRI Scoring
Dr. Jonathon Porritt CBE Founder Director Forum for the Future Chair Sustainable Development Commission George Ferguson Immediate Past President RIBA Anne Power Prof Social Policy LSE Paul King WWF Igloo SRI Audit
JESSICA Background Powerful Instrument New Approach Poorly Understood Flexible Model Equity Co-investment Benefits
The blueprint model
Priorities (Political, economic, social) Policy (RES, community plans, SPG etc.) Property Strategy (Land assembly etc.) Site Specific Plans (Development brief, master plan) Physical Delivery Traditional Private Sector Engagement Private Sector Engagement through PRPs Development agreements Site specific JVs Regional JVs Strategic Partnerships Regeneration Process
What is a PRP? PRP Co Regeneration Projects Property Assets Cash & Skills Development or Implementation Level Strategic or Value Capture Level 3rd Party Debt Public Sector Body Private Sector Partner
What is blueprint? A 50:50 Limited Partnership £500M of regeneration in the East Midlands Funded by property, equity and debt 6 initial developments Investing in new priority projects
emda (50%)EP (50%) “emEP Ltd” 50% vote igloo 50% vote blueprint General Partner emdaEPigloo blueprint Limited Partnership Partners Shareholders Blueprint
Partnerships with Cities Commercial returns with public support Private sector status Revolving Fund Public capital multiplies 400% in 10 years
Nottingham Science Park
Leicester Digital Media Centre
Delivering JESSICA Blueprint Success JESSICA Model Jessica Future
Conclusions UK JESSICA Vehicle Pipeline Public:Private capital and skills JESSICA – a powerful regeneration tool
‘The World’s First Responsible Property Fund’ – UNITED NATIONS 2006