On Wednesday the 28 th of April the grand 3’s and 4’s went to Sovereign Hill.
When we were going on the bus it was late when we got there it was cold than we got some think to eat. After that we got into groups we went to the learning centre it was the first activity it was the one of old classrooms. They couldn’t ask any questions back than.
We also went to gold panning I found one piece of gold. There was a man who found lots of gold I found some but we ran out of time but I still fun. When I was going to the other side of the river my leg landed in the water my foot was wet.
We went to the nine pine bowing it was made out of wood it was when they have finished working. There were three sets of bowling. One was light and the other two were heavy. I had three pins left. James was the only one who got a strike. When we were living Mikalayah dropped her glass.
We also went to the gold smelting we were late. We watched a man make gold it was it was cool. He put more than nine hundred degrees. When it was ready he got the gold and take the gold out it was still soft but he put the gold in a big tank of water to make it harder. Cambell got to hold the gold it was cool.
Sovereign Hill was great fun.