November 16 th 2014
Tuesday : 5 -7 a.m Friday : 11:00a.m - 1:00p.m Saturday : 8:30 – 10:30a.m Sunday : 8:00 –11:30a.m الثلاثاء : 5 -7 ص. الجمعة : 11:00 ص – 1:00 م السبت : 8:30 -10:30 ص الأحد : 8: :30 القداسات
English: Wednesday : 7:00 – 8:00 adult Bible study. Arabic: الجمعة 7:30 – 9:00 مساء إجتماع درس الكتاب العربي...( شخصيات الميلاد – زكريا و أليصابات )
Servants meeting today from 1:15 – 2:15p.m
Texas Middle School: three mountains retreat. Friday Dec 26 (be at camp by 12 pm) to Sunday Dec 28 (Released by 2:30pm). The fee is $100 until Nov 30th and $120 as of Dec 1st. Transportation to the Camp ground is not included and single days are $40 each. Contact persons: Ashraf Boulos, Andrew Atalla and christina Asaad.
When: Sunday Dec. 28th – Tuesday,Dec.30th, 2014 Where: Lake Lavon Baptist Retreat Center. 8050 County Road 735 Princeton, TX Who: Grades 3rd - 5 th Fee:$100 per child until November 30, 2014 $120 per child from December 1, 2014 until maximum of 100 attendees is met. Contact persons: Dina Sorial & Lydia Girgis.
We are moving to “The Upper Room” When – TODAY New Location – Upper Level of the church building (Cry Room) Time is still 12 Noon after Liturgy every Sunday, but come join us for fellowship & agapy right after liturgy This weeks topic : continue “The Attributes of God” Next week: Q&A with Abouna
Diocese FMP (Family Ministry Program) is starting accepting new candidates for the coming semester January 23 rd 2015…you can visit our Diocese website for more information about the FMP.
Sunday November 23 rd right after the Sunday school from 1:15p.m If you want to help, please contact Evon Saleh for the sign up sheet. We will have it as a family time not only dinner…songs, games and sports. No fees for the dinner, but all your contributions are directed toward our new building.
God willing we will have our annual celebration for St.Philopateer’s feast starting Wednesday December 3 rd. Till Saturday December 6th Every evening vespers & glorification from 7- 9p.m…Our guests this year: Fr.Philopateer Younan (St.Demiana church, Fl.) Fr.Beniameen Morgan (St.Mary & St.Mina S.C.) Fr.Benjamin AboElkheir (Holy Cross church, TX) H.G.Bishop Youssef.
العظة العربي: “ ’’ العطاء...دواء لقساوة القلب