Corporate Support PPSO Gez Keating, Serco Plc
AGENDA Portfolio Management Role of Corporate PPSO Processes Where to Start Benefits
Realisation Delivery Reporting & Evaluation Prioritisation & Selection Strategic Initiatives Business Planning Portfolio Management Execution Management Business Benefits Portfolio Management
Common Questions Is our project portfolio aligned with the business needs? Can we take on this programme? How long will it take? What will it cost? Are we meeting our commitments? What is the most important project in the organisation? Which programme should we do first? Is there an opportunity to finish the project early? Does the business unit know this? What will be the impact if we miss our next milestone? Are we at risk of not achieving our financial targets for the year? If we get more resources can we do more projects?
Corporate PPSO Processes Reporting Investment Management Governance Programme Assurance Risk Management Quality Management Resource Management Methods Centre of Excellence
Corporate PPSO Investment Status Risks Assurance Resourcing Interfaces Dashboard Reporting HR Finance Programmes Board Operations Delivery Status Risks Benefits
Programme types Strategy Business performance measures Single Vision Relevance, benefits contribution Unconnected Projects Service type measures Define, capture and report
Portfolio Measures
Investment Management Ownership of Innovation process Investment costs, benefits and risks summary Co-ordination of investment boards Communication and Change control
Governance Interface corporate governance with that of Programmes and Project Organising sponsorship and training sponsors Keep senior management involved in the execution of the portfolio
Programme Assurance Operate a central independent assurance team Represent stakeholders Assurance that benefits and drawbacks are acceptable Administer Gateway processes
Risk Management Risk Management Plan Types of risk Strategic, Programme, Project, Operational Categories of risk Technical, Political, Stakeholder, Financial Standards for Exposure Ownership of ‘typical risks’ register against each category Active monitoring of portfolio risks
External Quality Corporate Quality Management of Programmes and Projects Programme Governance Project Governance Peer Review Individual Solution Integrity Accreditation Audits 3 rd Party Audits Departmental/ Corporate Audits Programme / Project Assurance Lessons Learnt Best Practice Quality Management
Resource Management Manage resource groups, skills and current/future assignments Get the best resourcing solutions Broker between departments Maximise resource utilisation
Methods Centre of Excellence Methodology design Custodian for experiences Communication of best practice Skill experts
How to get started Identify your best people Programme, project ‘experts’ They must be full-time Be clear on common causes of failure within the organisation Careful selling – it will make many people very nervous! Identify measures of success
Corporate PPSO Functions
Benefits of Corporate PPSO Reduced Project Failures Lower costs, greater returns Projects completed faster Increased team productivity Improved end product