How will you be known forever? Pergamos A wealthy city People in pagan cults worshipped Athena, Asclepius, Dionysus, and Zeus. Huge library of about 200,000 volumes Manufactured a parchment Not warm to Christian life an testimony
The Vision of Christ – 2:12 He is the One who is able to discern thoughts, motives, and Who judges. Heb. 4:12-13
Commendation – 2:13 Tough environment: “…where Satan has his throne”… “…where Satan lives”… Temple of Asclepius?
Commendation – 2:13 They were faithful in the face of the martyrdom of one of their own. However…
Condemnation – 2:14-15 Balaam Probably a believer. Encouraged intermarriage with non-Israelites and as well as idol worship. As is common in America today…
“America, your American Idols…”
Condemnation – 2:14-15 The specific teaching of the Nicolaitans is not clear. What is clear is God’s hatred for mingling false, pagan teaching with that of the Scriptures.
Correction – 2:16 Get right with God! Judgment awaits those who teach false doctrine! God “goes to war” with them! Shouldn’t that affect all of us and our attitudes?
Correction – 2:16 What a privilege to find out we’re wrong! What a blessing to know truth!
Reward – 2:17 “Manna” Jesus is the living Bread, on whom we “feast” John 6 Probably the benefits of fellowship with Christ, likely the focus is the Wedding Feast. Rev. 19:9; Mt. 26:29
Reward – 2:17 The idea is probably end-time fellowship and intimacy with Jesus. This is consistent with the rest of the passage and rewards offered.
Reward – 2:17 Intimacy is a consistent reward in Scripture. Psalm 11:7; 15; Mt. 5:8
Reward – 2:17 “White Stone” Context of the Messianic Feast A “tessara” (small tile) = token for admission to banquets and athletic games. Our name on it identified it as our ticket.
Reward – 2:17 Winners at the Isthmian games were given money and a certificate of victory; A small white tablet of white stone with the name of the victor inscribed by an expert carver.
Reward – 2:17 To have this is to be recognized by the Divine Judge as a victor in battle. We may be despised here, but in heaven, victors are honored. The sentence of earthly judges is reversed by the Judge!
Reward – 2:17 New name = Jewish custom of giving a name at a point in life consistent with characteristics of a person. Cephas - Peter = “the rock” Joses - Barnabas = “son of encouragement” Saul – Paul = “little”
Reward – 2:17 Overcomers get a new name of honor. Intimacy is a reward as it is between Jesus and us alone.
Reward – 2:17 The new name of the Overcomer involves his “own particular life message, his own particular history of struggle and demonstration of God’s life in his”. Dillow
Reward – 2:17 What will my name be? What would I want my name to be? How should we then live?