Warm Up 8/9 1.Given the following endpoints, find the midpoint. a.(-3, -7) and (-6,2) b.(5, -9) and (-7, -25) 2.Given the following endpoint and midpoint, find the other endpoint. a.M(-5, 9) E(-8,9) Simplify:
Answers: 1. a) (-4,5, -2.5) b) (-1, -17) 2. (-2,9)
Euclid’s Five Postulates 1)List the five postulates 2)Sketch a picture 3)State the limits of postulate #5
Postulate #1 1. A line segment can be drawn joining any two points A B
Postulate #2 Any line segment can be extended indefinitely to form a line C D Given line segment CD, you can extend it to make line CD
Postulate #3 Given a line segment, a circle can be drawn having the segment as a radius and one endpoint as a center
Postulate #4 All right angles are congruent G F E
Postulate #5 If l is any line and P is any point not on l, then there exists exactly one line through P that is parallel to l. l P
Limit of postulate #5 Postulate #5 is only true in a _______ and cannot be applied to a_________ plane curve
classwork Get a color paper markers Fold into fourths In each box write and illustrate each of Euclid’s postulates, including the limitation In one of the last boxes answer the following questions.
Answer each question and State which of Euclid's postulate you would use to prove the following. 1. Given HS I can make a HS? 2.Given point A and point Z how many lines can I make 3.Given the two angles, what statement can I make? 4.What shape can I make if I am given a line segment where one point is an endpoint, and I rotate the segment around the endpoint? D E
You must know (have memorized) the 5 postulates for test on Friday Homework: Make note cards on the 5 postulates. Come up with a way to help you memorize them.