What is minority influence?
You need to know and understand.... Meaning of key words Difference between majority and minority influence Outline and evaluate research into minority influence
Key words.... Minority influence Internalisation Martin (2006) Unchanging minds hypothesis Colour perception Moscovici (1969) Control group Conversion theory Mackie (1987) Ingroup minority Outgroup minority Deviant minority Nemeth (2003) Mackie (2006) Confederates
Remember..... Compliance = majority influence Internalisation = minority influence Findings: Minorities should be consistent to be successful Validity: Moscovici’s experiment lacks ECOLOGICAL VALIDITY – unlike a real life task Application: Suffragettes, Equal opps and Issues
Outline and evaluate research into minority influence (8 marks) A01 – Outline: Aims, participant group and variables A02 – Evaluate: Explaining conformity, validity, ethics and real world
Real world applications Choose one area and research events surrounding this social change, were features (consistency/innovation) present when the minority exerted it influence? Suffragettes Galileo Darwin Equal opportunities, e.g. Gay and lesbian rights Social change, e.g. Apartheid (south Africa) Any other issues.....