A N INVITATION TO SOCIOLOGY The Sociological Perspective Study Guide – Chapter 1
What is Sociology? the scientific study of social structure
Social Structure The patterned interaction of people in social relationships
Sociological Perspective Looks at the behavior of groups, not individuals
The Social Sciences Sociology – investigates human behavior from group (not individual) perspective Anthropology – closely related, focus on pre- literate societies Psychology - mental and emotional processes and functioning of the individual Economics – studies production, distribution and consumption of goods and services Political Science – organization, administration, history, and theory of government History - past events in human societies
Sociological Imagination The ability to see the link between society and self C. Wright Mills
Who was August Comte, and why does he matter? Frenchman Father of Sociology 1 st to advocate scientific study of society (positivism) Positivism: the belief that knowledge should be derived from scientific observation Believed people’s behavior within a group cannot be predicted by their personal characteristics (bronze)
Comte’s Big Ideas Social Statics: the study of social stability and order Social Dynamics: the study of social change
Harriet Martineau… the first feminist? Englishwoman Popular writer, Society in America drew link between slavery and oppression of women inspired future feminist theorists
Herbert Spencer and Darwinism Social Darwinism natural social selection and survival of the fittest society opposed social reform – to interfere would be harmful to society in long run
Karl Marx & class conflict German scholar poverty and inequality of the working class bourgeoisie: class owning the means for producing wealth (capitalists) proletariat: working class, those who labor for bourgeoisie
Class Conflict eventually wage workers would overthrow capitalists result in communistic society (one without classes)
Emile Durkheim Frenchman Consensus (solidarity) of society mechanical solidarity organic solidarity Studied Suicide: believed suicide is related to the strength of shared beliefs among group members (solidarity)
More About Durkhiem First to stress statistical techniques Anecdotal vs. Scientific Data Suicide studies and mechanical solidarity
Who was Max Weber? German law & economics professor verstehen: understanding others by “putting yourself in their shoes” rationalization: mindset that emphasizes knowledge, reason, and planning (preindustrial societies stressed tradition, emotion and superstition) McDonaldization Reading p. 20 (efficiency, calculability, predictability, control)
Jane Addams and Hull House American social reformer poor, immigrants, sick, aged believed society should help the less fortunate
W.E.B. Dubois’ Contributions African American social activist doctorate degree from Harvard used science and sociology to disprove racist assumptions about African Americans
Theoretical Perspective a set of assumptions accepted as true in sociology, assumptions about the workings of society viewed as true by its supporters helps them to organize their research
What is a Theoretical Perspective? Theoretical Perspective: a set of assumptions accepted as true video clip
F UNCTIONALISM Society is seen as a system whose parts work together in order to promote solidarity and stability. There are stable patterns of social behavior, and all structures have consequences which serve a function for society. Emphasizes the contributions (functions) of each part of a society
Functionalists: See parts of a society as an integrated whole a change in one part of society leads to changes in others (ie. roles of women Example: pre and post-Industrial Revolution
What do functions do? Most functions exist to promote a society’s survival and welfare (like family, economy, religion) …If they didn’t, they would disappear.
Manifest and Latent Functions Robert Merton Manifest functions: intended and recognized Q: Manifest function of school? A: Education
Latent Functions: unintended and unrecognized aspects of society Q: Latent Function of School? A: development of close friendships
Dysfunctions: negative consequences of an aspect of society Consensus of society that these two aspects were dysfunctional
C ONFLICT P ERSPECTIVE Society is seen as a structure that is full of inequality. This massive inequality generates conflict and is the motivation for change. All social structures benefit the elite (the wealthy) And further deprive the poor.
Conflict Perspective Conflict Perspective: approach emphasizing the role of conflict, competition, and constraint within a society
Conflict and Constraint Who gets what? Who has the POWER? Those with the most power are able to constrain (or limit) the less powerful.
FunctionalismConflict Perspective A society is an integrated whole A society tends to seek relative stability A society rests on the consensus of its members A society experiences inconsistency and conflict everywhere A society is continually subjected to change A society involves the constraint and coercion of some members by others
Symbolic Interactionism Focuses on the actual interaction among people through the use of shared symbols Symbol: anything that stands for something else and has an agreed upon meaning attached to it aunts, uncles, brothers, sisters employers, employees teachers, students
Three Assumptions About Symbolic Interactionism We learn the meaning of a symbol by the way we see others reacting to it. For example: teacher
Once we learn the meanings of symbols, we base our behavior (interaction) on them.
We use the meaning of symbols to imagine how others will respond to our behavior We have “internal conversations” that help us to visualize how others will respond to us before we act We guide our interactions with people according to the behavior we think others expect of us and we expect of others
Dramaturgy approach that sees human interaction as theatrical performances Erving Goffman
Assumptions of the Major Theoretical Perspectives FunctionalismConflict PerspectiveSymbolic Interactionism 1. A society is a relatively integrated whole. 2.A society tends to seek relative stability. 3.Most aspects of a society contribute to a society’s well-being and survival 4. A society rests on the consensus of its members 1. A society experiences inconsistency and conflict everywhere. 2.A society is continuously subjected to change. 3. A society involves the constraint and coercion of some members by others. 1.People’s interpretations of symbols are based on the meanings they learn from others. 2.People base their interaction on their interpretation of symbols. 3. Symbols permit people to have internal conversations, behaving the way they think others expect of them and the behavior they expect of others.
Comparing Theoretical Perspectives Functionalist Perspective Conflict Perspective Symbolic Interactionist Perspective Emphasis is on… Society is viewed as… Key question is… Major criticisms are that… order and stability a system of interrelated parts How does a part contribute to overall functioning of a society? it defends existing social arrangements conflict over scarce and valued resources dominant and subordinate groups in conflict over scarce and valued resources Who benefits from a pattern or social arrangement, and at whose expense? it exaggerates tension and divisions in society shared meaning of symbols a series of interactions dependant on shared symbols How are symbolic meanings created? it offers no systematic explanation for how meanings persist or change