GLOBAL ISSUES Course Description: This course introduces students to the concept of the global community through studying different regions including Latin America, Europe, Middle East and Northern Africa, Africa South of the Sahara, South Asia, and East Asia. Students will gain knowledge about cultural components, cultural values, and major issues facing these regions. Students will experience the research process through a variety of activities, including writing assignments, research papers, and oral presentations. The course is designed to prepare students for higher level Social Science courses and learn about the world around them.
Global Issues Regional Geography Course Focused around Cultural and Physical Geography (Worldwide) “Not only where it is on the globe, but what is happening there.”
Global Issues Curriculum I. Success Unit -Healthy Attitude/Choices (7 Habits) -Respect (Rules of Conduct Present.) -Research & Study Skills -Reading, highlighting for content -Lancer Learning Results * Community Interview * My Plan for Success Outline
II. Culture Unit Political Systems Economic Systems Religions of the World Elements of Culture- Language, Customs, Traditions, ways of dress. (External Vs. Internal)
Geography - Physical Longitude/Latitude -World Climate Patterns -Different types of Maps
III. Geography – Cultural Regions of the World: Latin AmericaEurope RussiaMiddle East Africa S. SaharaSouth Asia East AsiaS.E. Asia
Curriculum for Each Region Map Assignments Population Patterns Cultures & Lifestyles Living in… Economy Environmental Issues in Region Charts, graphs, quizzes, video worksheets, lecture notes, current event articles, political cartoons, news clips/interviews.
Common Core Emphasis on Critical Thinking, Writing, and Source/Document analysis Emphasis on Critical Thinking, Writing, and Source/Document analysis “Multiple Perspectives – not just Multiple Choice” “Multiple Perspectives – not just Multiple Choice” Ex. Russia BCR- “Vladimir Putin- Hero or Villain for people of Russia?” Ex. Russia BCR- “Vladimir Putin- Hero or Villain for people of Russia?”
Major Assignments Time Line of Important Assign. On website: Qtr. 1My Plan for Success Outline My Culture Speech Qtr. 2Informational Brief Qtr. 3Country Case Study & Powerpoint Presentation Qtr. 4 Themes of Geography Test
How to Help Your Child Succeed in Global Issues Check planners, teacher website, backpack organization. Proofread major assignments. Check grades Discuss current events with your child.