$100 $400 $300$200 $ $200$100$100$400 $200$200$500 $500$300 $200$500 $100$300$100$300 $500$300$400$400$500
Portuguese Exploration
Spanish Exploration
France & England
Sports / Pop Culture Sports / Pop Culture
Motives Portuguese Exploration Spanish Exploration French and English Exploration Sports/ Pop Culture $100 $300 $200 $400 $500
CATEGORY 1 - $100 One motive for Europeans was the spreading of this religion…
CATEGORY 1 - $200 Once countries began establishing plantations, and Native Americans were susceptible to disease, Europeans began this practice to continue their New World dominance…
CATEGORY 1 - $300 Under this economic practice, Europeans wanted to export/sell more than they imported/bought in order to create wealth…
CATEGORY 1 - $400 This natural resources was prized by European Explorers and used as money…
CATEGORY 1 - $500 The Renaissance, and this philosophy ( or belief) inspired a spirit of discovery for Europeans, and exploration of the world around them…
CATEGORY 2 - $100 This modern country was a former South American colony of Portugal…
CATEGORY 2 - $200 This individual established a school for navigation and sailing. He later sponsored Portuguese exploration, having never been an explorer himself…
CATEGORY 2 - $300 Vasco da Gama route led to this future market of Portuguese trade…
CATEGORY 2 - $400 During the Slave Trade, Portuguese merchants stole, bought, and imported slaves from this African region…
CATEGORY 2 - $500 As the Portuguese dominated the spice trade and flooded the European market, this economic effect happened… (Hint: too much spice affects the ?)
CATEGORY 3 - $100 Spanish used captive Africans mostly as…
CATEGORY 3 - $200 Spanish established St. Augustine, what is now America’s oldest town, in this colony...
CATEGORY 3 - $300 Conquistadors Hernan Cortes and Francisco Pizarro destroyed which civilizations...
CATEGORY 3 - $400 Spanish explorer Vasco Balboa is credited with…
CATEGORY 3 - $500 This treaty established Spain’s claim to land to the West, and Portugal’s claim to all land to the East…
CATEGORY 4 - $100 France and England sought a different route to India, a route they called the…
CATEGORY 4 - $200 These individuals were British pirates robbing Spanish ships… These individuals were British pirates robbing Spanish ships…
CATEGORY 4 - $300 The Columbian Exchange between European colonies saw which food items exchanged…
CATEGORY 4 - $400 The French navigated not only the Mississippi, but this river too…
CATEGORY 4 - $500 Two reasons people fled Great Britain for the Americas were…
CATEGORY 5 - $100 This Disney actress has gone crazy and just checked out of rehab (drugs are bad kids!)
CATEGORY 5 - $200 This singer had to be carried up the Great Wall of China by his bodyguards.
CATEGORY 5 - $300 Who is “never ever getting back together” with Mr. Wall
CATEGORY 5 - $400 Which movie now tops the box office?
CATEGORY 5 - $500 In a recent show, the history channel said these little people were at the first Thanksgiving...
CATEGORY 1 - $100 Christianity.
CATEGORY 1 - $200 Slavery.
CATEGORY 1 - $300 Mercantilism.
Silver. CATEGORY 1 - $400
CATEGORY 1 - $500 Humanism.
CATEGORY 2 - $100 Brazil
CATEGORY 2 - $200 Prince Henry the Navigator.
CATEGORY 2 - $300 India.
CATEGORY 2 - $400 West Africa.
CATEGORY 2 - $500 Prices drops due to high supply.
CATEGORY 3 - $100 Slaves.
CATEGORY 3 - $200 Florida
CATEGORY 3 - $300 Aztecs and Incas.
CATEGORY 3 - $400 Pacific Ocean.
CATEGORY 3 - $500 Treaty of Tordesillas.
Northwest Passage. CATEGORY 4 - $100
Sea Dogs. CATEGORY 4 - $200
Columbian Exchange. CATEGORY 4 - $300
St. Lawrence river. CATEGORY 4 - $400
Religious freedom and economic opportunity (more money to be made in a colony than hunting for silver and gold). CATEGORY 4 - $500
Amanda B. CATEGORY 5 - $100
Justin B. CATEGORY 5 - $200
Taylor Swift CATEGORY 5 - $300
Cloudy with a chance of meatballs 2 CATEGORY 5 - $400
Aliens. CATEGORY 5 - $500