INTERMEDIATE MEETING WP4 Realisation of didactical activities Ref. 2/2009: SALTWORKS– Valorizzazione ecosostenibile delle saline tra Italia e Slovenia Ref. 2/2009: SALTWORKS– Ekolosko trajnostno vrednotenje solin med Italijo in Slovenijo" Giancarlo Malacarne DELTA 2000 Portorose (SLO), 14 march 2013
SLIDE 1 Intermediate Meeting WP4 Realisation of didactical activities, presentation of proposal of Summer Camps in the saltpans, issues, activities, calendar Ref. 2/2009/ Ref. 2/2009 SALTWORKS Giancarlo Malacarne. Portorose, On 11 of december 2012 DELTA 2000 started to collect a manifestation of interest for participation and realization of summer camps in Comacchio and Cervia’s saltworks, for scientific faculties, departments, boards and research institutes. The objective was to collect manifestation of interest from these bodies, to implement and to develop study and research activities in the field of salwork environments of Comacchio and Cervia
SLIDE 2 Intermediate Meeting WP4 Realisation of didactical activities, presentation of proposal of Summer Camps in the saltpans, issues, activities, calendar Ref. 2/2009/ Ref. 2/2009 SALTWORKS Giancarlo Malacarne. Portorose, For the realization of the activities the Po Delta Park and the Municipality of Cervia will give a reimboursement of euros for each summer camp for professors. The programme of summer camps will last a maximun of 6 days with board and lodging for a maximum of 10 participants and will take place from the 1 of june to the 31 of july of 2013.
SLIDE 3 Intermediate Meeting WP4 Realisation of didactical activities, presentation of proposal of Summer Camps in the saltpans, issues, activities, calendar Ref. 2/2009/ Ref. 2/2009 SALTWORKS Giancarlo Malacarne. Portorose, The manifestation of interest was sent to the following adresses in Emilia Romagna, Veneto and Friuli Venezia Giulia region. Directors and coordinators of - Faculties Departments of environmental sciences - Faculties/ Departments of Biology - Faculties/ Departments of Ecology and conservation of nature -Faculties of Architecture -Faculties/Departments of geology - Faculties of economy of tourism - Faculties / Departments environment and territory - Other ….
SLIDE 4 Intermediate Meeting WP4 Realisation of didactical activities, presentation of proposal of Summer Camps in the saltpans, issues, activities, calendar Ref. 2/2009/ Ref. 2/2009 SALTWORKS Giancarlo Malacarne. Portorose, The communication and dissemination activity was realised with the support of the Po Delta Park, Municipality of Cervia and the manifestation of interest was published on DELTA 2000 web site, in the following section: article&id=139&Itemid=36&lang=it article&id=139&Itemid=36&lang=it
SLIDE 5 Intermediate Meeting WP4 Realisation of didactical activities, presentation of proposal of Summer Camps in the saltpans, issues, activities, calendar Ref. 2/2009/ Ref. 2/2009 SALTWORKS Giancarlo Malacarne. Portorose, DELTA 2000 received a manifestation of interest from Prof. Stefano Lugli, professor of stratigraphic geology and sedimentology of the department of chemical and geological scienses of the university of Modena and Reggio Emilia, within the deadline of the 31 of january 2013.
SLIDE 6 Intermediate Meeting WP4 Realisation of didactical activities, presentation of proposal of Summer Camps in the saltpans, issues, activities, calendar Ref. 2/2009/ Ref. 2/2009 SALTWORKS Giancarlo Malacarne. Portorose, A first meeting with professor Lugli was organised in DELTA 2000, during wich he presented his experiences as professor and researcher in numerous european and international contexts. He also illustrated in detail his proposal for summer camps, which focuses particularly on the analisys and studies of saltworks from a geological point of view, and regarding salt and chalk, and also comprehends the study of the evolution of forms of life in the saltworks. These studies are linked to research at the university of Seattle, regarding the presence of forms of life on Mars connected to the presence of salt and chalk, in which Professor Lugli participates.
SLIDE 7 Intermediate Meeting WP4 Realisation of didactical activities, presentation of proposal of Summer Camps in the saltpans, issues, activities, calendar Ref. 2/2009/ Ref. 2/2009 SALTWORKS Giancarlo Malacarne. Portorose, According to Professor Lugli, the idea is to establish a summer camp of 3 or maximum 4 days for each saltpan during the first two weeks of july 2013.
SLIDE 8 Intermediate Meeting WP4 Realisation of didactical activities, presentation of proposal of Summer Camps in the saltpans, issues, activities, calendar Ref. 2/2009/ Ref. 2/2009 SALTWORKS Giancarlo Malacarne. Portorose, To better define details of the summer camps activities, on 26 of february, an inspection of the salworks of Comacchio and Cervia was organised with professor Lugli,Giacomo Benelli – LP Po delta Park, Giancarlo Malacarne – PP4 DELTA 2000 and Roberta Gasperoni – PP1 Municipality of Cervia.
SLIDE 9 Intermediate Meeting WP4 Realisation of didactical activities, presentation of proposal of Summer Camps in the saltpans, issues, activities, calendar Ref. 2/2009/ Ref. 2/2009 SALTWORKS Giancarlo Malacarne. Portorose, Professor Lugli, after the inspection of the two saltworks, made an articulate didactiv proposal for the summer camps,. So that we already have it.
SLIDE 10 Intermediate Meeting WP4 Realisation of didactical activities, presentation of proposal of Summer Camps in the saltpans, issues, activities, calendar Ref. 2/2009/ Ref. 2/2009 SALTWORKS Giancarlo Malacarne. Portorose, At the end of the summer camps there will be a campaign to inform schools and the local communities along with the organization of a series of meetings. The meetings will be entitled: “From saltworks to Mars, the importance of saltworks for comprehending extraterrestrial and planetary geology and also for the research of life on Mars”.
Thank you very much for the attention Grazie per l’attenzione! Hvala za vašo pozornost! Giancarlo Malacarne, DELTA Tel ND INTERMEDIATE MEETING Portorose, Progetto finanziato nell'ambito del Programma per la Cooperazione Transfrontaliera Italia-Slovenia , dal Fondo europeo di sviluppo regionale e dai fondi nazionali Projekt sofinanciran v okviru Programa čezmejnega sodelovanja Slovenija-Italija iz sredstev Evropskega sklada za regionalni razvoj in nacionalnih sredstev Ministero dell'Economia e delle Finanze