PARTNER 3: UA Research Group of Plant & Vegetation Ecology Prof. Dr. Reinhart Ceulemans Dr. Gaby Deckmyn Vincent Budts
Contribution to CASIROZ Development and use of a mechanistic model for the growth of beech under ozone stress Development and maintenance of the database
The MEFYQUE model current status: running without ozone To be developed: Ozone effect (stomates, photosynthesis, allocation) Soil processes including mychorrizae
The MEFYQUE model Why a model ? Why this model? Very mechanistic Includes ETP model (UK, S. Evans): soil water and ET Newly developed: mechanistic allocation module
The MEFYQUE model Some general principles: Tree or tree category basis Interaction between trees All simulations run in layers Distinction between sunlit and shaded leaves
The MEFYQUE model Allocation Based on pipe theory: relation between sapwood and leaf area Actual relation between pipe size, number and transpiration is used Ozone effects on allocation will occur simply through effects on stomatal control and photosynthesis
The MEFYQUE model Output All C and H 2 O flows, ozone easily added C in plant compartments (leaves, stem,…), differentiation between tissue types (parenchyma, fibres, vessels, EW and LW). Explicit simulation of storage carbon Crown and stem architecture, including branching, ring development,lean,…
The MEFYQUE model Input required for the existing model We will be running the model for European beech, so species parameters exist, specific values always better! For weather data daily or hourly values of light, T, humidity, rainfall and wind are required Biomass distribution of the trees is necessary, preferably including leaf area distribution
The MEFYQUE model Input required for the ozone and mychorrizae model Hopefully we will find all we need in the database I will contact people by the end of 2004 with specific questions about mechanisms I can add output or look into detailed processes: if anyone has suggestions, or questions, please contact me!
Database “CASIROZ” w Current status database with all parameters, references and some procedures in it. manual of the database w Needed material some short procedure description. Data when available
Database “CASIROZ” w Aims store data of all participants on one place each participant remains owner of his own data every partner can easily check information of others on the same material as their own measurements all data are stored in the same format and unit easy to compare and retrieve different measurements get data for modeling
Database “CASIROZ” w General structure of database w Retrieve data via input screens
Value Parameter MeasurementProcedureTreatment ReferenceExperiment Operator
General structure of database w Value : central table w 3 tables for experimental design Experiment: main information Treatment: experimental conditions Measurement: procedures and comments w Reference table linked with others to insure the combination information/reference
Retrieve data via input screens w 9 screens to start from References : Full list or search Parameterlist Screens for experiment, measurement, treatment and values w In those screens you can click buttons to see further information
Retrieve data via input screens w There is a help button on the start screen w ? About input screens look in the manual w Major problems or remarks send to
Remarks w Needed data short description of procedures measurement data that are available w Make clear which data you send ! from which group whole data set or a part for the group