Monday- Nulla Schola
Calescite What is your favorite Latin word or phrase? Cur?
“explorator Britannicus” A British Spy! A-Ha! Ha-ha-ha-ha-haaaaah! Pairs of two and/or groups of three Translate (III minutes) Present (II minutes each)
“Strythio” Pg. 88 Strythio optio Begin translating in pairs – Latin – English
Reminder Binder check on Thursday! Test next Tuesday! (Or Wednesday)
Calescite It’s your fav! Take out Grammar Notes. Title the top of the page w/ the date and “Indirect Questions” DO NOT WRITE the following slide down…
Direct Questions vs. Indirect Questions Direct QuestionsIndirect Questions Examples: Quis est captivus? Who is the captive? Examples: Rogavit quis captivus esset. He asked who the captive was. Uses Indicative MoodUses Subjunctive Mood Often seen within “quotation marks” REQUIRES a question mark (?) Can be seen within “qmarks” DOES NOT REQUIRE a question mark (?) USES QUESTION WORDS (ubi, quis, quid, cur…) USE QUESTION WORDS (ubi, quis, quid, cur…)
Challenge: Create a Venn Diagram Using the notes from the previous slide, you have three and a half minutes to create an abbrev’d version in a Venn diagram – The prettiest one will be shown to the class! The ugliest one will be, too. Check pg. 91 to make sure we’ve included all important similarities/differences …aaaaaaaand GO! (Abite!)
“Strythio” Pg. 88 Strythio optio Present in pairs – Latin – English
Calescite Vertite ad paginam nonaginta unam. Number your paper #s 1 – 8. Write either “Direct” or “Indirect” next to each number. If it is Indirect, label the Subjunctive as Imperfect or Pluperfect. Ex: 1) Indirect – Pluperfect (this isn’t correct, btw!)
“Modestus custos” CLOZE due Friday
Calescite Identify and describe the two types of clauses which use the Subjunctive Mood. Give an example for each in Latin & English. (HINT: can take from book!) 1.__________ - Latin: English: 2.__________ - Latin: English:
“Modestus custos” CLOZE due today!!! Will go on next 6 weeks
“Modestus perfuga” I Summary up to this point? In assigned pairs, translate a SUMMARY DON’T write a literal, word-for-word translation – NO pictures either, womp womp
“Modestus perfuga” II Fabula Formarum Virgarum! So relax, sit back, and enjoy as we translate together