New Deal Relief, Recovery, and Reform
Relief It was aimed at providing help to the millions of workers and their families that were jobless and homeless
Relief 1.Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC)- Hired young men to plant trees, build dams, and work on other conservation projects Lived in army-type camps Paid $30 a month and had to send $22 home 2.Public Works Administration (PWA)- Created jobs by having people build highways, bridges, schools, hospitals, airports, and ships for the navy Gave about a half of million people jobs
Relief 3.Works Progress Administration (WPA)- Employed almost 8 million men and women as artists, writers, musicians, and constructions workers Cleared slums, built power plants, performed free plays and concerts Largest and most controversial program - criticized for wasting tax payer’s money applauded for creating jobs and boosting morale
Recovery Aimed at helping the economy get back on its feet and focused on agriculture and industry
Recovery 1.Agricultural Adjustment Administration (AAA) Tried to bring farm income up to WWI level Paid farmers to produce less cotton, corn, wheat, rice, milk, and fewer hogs Bought farm products to distribute to people for relief 2.Farm Security Administration (FSA) Tried to relieve rural poverty Gave loans to sharecroppers, tenant farmers, and laborers to buy land, tools, and livestock Educated farmers on soil conservation, new crops, and farm management
Recovery 3.National Recovery Administration (NRA) Regulated industry by creating strict codes for businesses on prices charged and amount of goods produced Raised wages-set Prohibited child labor 4.Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) Helped restore confidence in the banks by protected the money of depositors in insured banks Banks that were insured had to pass government inspections and follow government regulations
Reform Aimed at making changes in the way Americans worked and did business so as to prevent future depressions
Reform 1.Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) Set up to oversee the buying and selling of stocks 2.National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) Created to protect workers who wanted to organize unions Employees had right to collective bargain with employers for better wages and working conditions
Reform 3.Rural Electrification Administration (REA) Brought electricity to rural areas 4. Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) Built dams and operated power plants to provide low- cost electricity to people in seven states
Reform 5.Social Security Administration (SSA) Created to provide retirement pay to older citizens or people unable to work
Georgia’s Response to the New Deal (Opposition) Governor Eugene Talmadge did not support many parts of the New Deal - called it a threat to “Georgia’s way of life” 1.Opposed to minimum wage - Hurt small private businesses - Threaten white supremacy 2.Vetoed social security retirement benefits 3.Vetoed unemployment insurance
Georgia’s Response to the New Deal (Opposition) 4.Called President Roosevelt a Socialist 5.Planned to challenge Roosevelt for the Presidency in the 1946 election because term limits prevented him from running for governor again
Georgia’s Response to the New Deal (Support) Many Georgians welcomed the help the New Deal provided Roosevelt was special to many Georgians -He visited Warm Springs, Georgia for polio treatment - Established his “Little White House” in Warm Springs
Georgia’s Response to the New Deal (Support) 1936 elections Georgians choose: –Roosevelt for President –Richard B. Russell for U.S. Senator –Eurith D. (E.D.) Rivers for Governor Rivers supported: – the New Deal –Healthcare and welfare programs for rural Georgians
Georgia’s Response to the New Deal (Support) Better education - 7 month school year and free textbooks for students State highway patrol Required driver’s licenses First 4-lane highway