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Stem Cells and Stem Cell Therapy BiologyMs. Susan Chabot
Stem Cells Fall Into 3 Categories Cord Blood Stem Cells Multipotent Can become a limited number of different cell types in the body. Found in the umbilical cord of newborn mammals. Can be extracted and cultured for a variety of different therapeutic uses. Embryonic Stem Cells Totipotent = single-celled embryo Pluripotent = 5-7 day old embryo Can become ANY of the 200+ cells in the body. Found early after fertilization of an egg by sperm. The younger the cell, the more options the cell has. Adult Stem Cells Can only become a single cell line in the body. Found in your body right now. Allows for the creation of new skin, blood, bone, and other cells needed for growth and repair.
The Controversy EMBRYONIC Harvesting embryonic stem cells results in the destruction of the embryo. When does life begin? At conception? When the fetus can survive on own? At 40 weeks? CORD BLOOD Currently, having a baby to harvest cord blood to save another child’s life. ADULT No controversy We can now reprogram an ADULT stem cell into and EMBRYONIC stem cell through chemistry. These are called iPS = Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells.
TEXT ASSIGNMENT for BIOLOGY CLASSES ONLY! Read Stem Cells and Development and Frontiers in Stem Cell Research page Do Questions page 297 #2a,2b, 3a