Seminar I Mohammad J Al-Yamani, Ph.D. Associate Professor of Clinical and Hospital Pharmacy College of Pharmacy, KSU E. mail:
Objectives Help the student to realize the art of presentation Identify strengths and weaknesses in students delivery Try to improve on strengths and eliminate weaknesses Guide the students through the systematic stages of presentation preparation Help the student to excel in presentations Identify certain points to be evaluated when listening to a presentation Prepare the student to evaluate himself/herself after a presentation Train students on how to ask questions and how to respond to questions in a presentation
Course Description Spontaneous oral presentations (3-5 minutes) Presentation with minimal preparation (3-5 minutes) Prepared short presentations using power point (7-10 minutes) Scientific topic prepared over a week (10-15 minutes) Non-scientific presentation in Arabic (10-15 minutes) Formal presentations assigned by the professor (at least two)
Reading Material Power point manuals (electronic or hard copy) Presentation books (at least one different book or a chapter in a book) Presentation articles (at least 2 articles) Other material accessed by the student will be considered as a bonus
Evaluation You will be subjected to continuous assessment on a week per week basis You will be evaluated formally during presentations by your peers and other colleagues and faculty in addition to the professor The final grade will be the sum of your performance over the whole semester Outstanding presentations or exceptional contribution will be rewarded Absenteeism will be penalized harshly
Exams There will be no formal examinations apart from the presentations, homework, discussions etc. If there is complacency the course will include some extra required reading material and a written or written examinations will be required Active participation will be taken into consideration, however if you are silent most of the time I will have to assure your understanding in my own way
Good Luck
Suggested topics Medical management for smoking cessation Non-medical management for smoking cessation Bird-flu Meningitis management vaccination and medical prophylaxis Umbilical cord stem cell science
Suggested topics “cont’d” Herbal medicine, complimentary medicine How to find medical information Preserving fertility during chemotherapy “options available” Recommendation for immunization “pediatrics” ??Pain management
Suggested topics “cont’d” How to write a protocol ?? Advertising “ethics” Effective, professional communication What is more important to you “American election or Iran nuclear project” Riyadh reconstructions