Unit Concept Map Example of Course Prep LayoutMarineMammals Related Readings Handouts Related Links Assessments Lessons Overview Exercises Lecture Material Collaboration Tools Biology of Marine Mammals Population Biology Behavior of Marine Mammals Web Research Exercise Discussion Board Drop Box Groups Chat Introduction Objectives Three Orders Hearing and Echolocation Feeding and EcologyNOAA Pre-Unit Assessment Self-Assessments Post-Unit Assessment Cetacea NOAA Smithsonian site Taxonomy of Dolphins Taxonomy of Whales PowerPoint Presentation
Concept Map - Worksheet
Learning Materials Checklists OrderSubjectRequiredOptionalHard CopyElectronic 1 Syllabus 2 Handouts 3 Lesson Plans 4 Assignments 5 Individual Projects and Activities 6 Group Projects/Activities 7 Homework 8 Quizzes/Tests/Pre-Tests 9 Images/Photos/Graphics 10 Sound Files 11 Etc.
To Do List GoalsTasks 1. Set up look & feel of your course –Course Banner –Button Style 2. Customize course navigation (make it your course) –Create new buttons – Remove unnecessary buttons –Modify button names 3. Define your content organization style –Set up Folders /subfolders – Decide on a consistent pattern
Page1 Best Practices in Design Best PracticeStandardIndicators Faculty-Student Interaction Delivery design facilitates student- faculty interaction. Faculty contact Information posted Announcements frequently used Student-Student Interaction Delivery design facilitates student- student interaction Clear rubrics for discussion board postings. Discussion board forums used for authentic communication Collaborative opportunities included in course design. Assignments posted to the discussion board when appropriate
Page 2 Active Learning Delivery design encourages students to be actively engaged, participating in course activities, and developing critical thinking skills. Students have opportunities for research and exploration. Simulations and models used where possible to allow students to see concepts in practice. Students have opportunity for debate and discussion about concepts. Feedback on Assessments and Progress Delivery design includes assessment tools and methodology used to evaluate student progress. Assessment methods are not solely objective but are geared to multiple learning styles: essay exams, projects, response papers, experiments, case studies, and role plays. Feedback on assessments is provided via gradebook through grades and comments. Self assessment tools available to students. Best Practices in Design
Page 3 Best Practices in Design Emphasize Time on Task Delivery design includes built-in mechanisms that will keep students moving toward completion. Calendar tool used to help students with time management. Lessons and units are logically organized. Time required for course work equivalent to traditional class. Exams and assignments appear and close as appropriate. High Expectations in Content and Delivery Design Course content is challenging and delivery design is structured to help students succeed. Assignments posted with due dates and information on how late assignments will be handled. Unused course management features disabled. Information is provided on how and when assignments are graded.