Anne Frank By Nathan
Contents page When Anne frank was born. Page 3 Anne’s diary page 4 Anne's evacuation page 5 Anne's discovery page 6 The concentration camp page 7 R.I.P page 8 The published diary of Anne frank page 9 Credits page 10
When Anne frank was born 12 th of June 1929 was the date Anne frank was born and 13 years after the war started in 1942.
Anne’s diary For her 13 th birthday Anne was bought many books bit for some reason her favourite was a book with no writing so she used it as a diary and it came in useful because war broke out soon after she got it.
Anne franks evacuation Anne frank went to hide in a place her dad knew was a secret so they went there and some of their friends hid with them so some other friends had to bring them food throughout the war which was a big risk for the whole family and friends their hiding place was called a secret annex which is what kept them from being sent to a concentration camp
Anne's discovery One of the friends must have told the Germans where they were because the hiding place was bombed and the family were taken to a concentration camp. The next page will tell you more
The concentration camp Anne and her family were found out so they were sent away to a concentration camp by Adolf Hitler the leader of germany
R.I.P Anne her mum and her sister died in the concentration camp so her dad Otto was the only member of the Frank family left
The diary’s famous. Anne franks diary was found by her father Otto frank and was published into 70 different languages and if they all died we would never have found the diary of Anne frank
credits Facts found by me Facts found by me Pictures by Google images Pictures by Google images Animations and backgrounds by Microsoft PowerPoint Animations and backgrounds by Microsoft PowerPoint And everything else by me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And everything else by me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you for watching and goodbye Thank you for watching and goodbye