Miklos Braun A Holocaust Victim/ War Veteran 3/28/12 Honors World History, 4 th hour
Introduction: Miklos Braun was born in 1913 in Szeged, Hungary. He graduated from trade school in His soon to be married sister moved to Fiume with her spouse, but were then deported to a concentration camp where they were later killed. Braun married a woman named Vera Wexler. He was forced into the army shortly after their marriage. Miklos Braun was sent to Lichtenworth Concentration Camp and returned home to his wife a day after their one year anniversary.
Country Info: Picture of Hungary when about 70% of its land was lost. It was about 241,000 square miles. The middle section is what remains as Hungary today. Several other countries of provinces were made out of Austria-Hungary. They land was lost due to World War 1 threats including failing government and their losing power in the war from the Treaty of Versailles along with the League of Nations which Germany lost to. About ¾ of Austria/Hungary was stripped down to a very small and surrounded country which is only about 36,000 square miles.
Political Info: Emperor Franz Josef the 1 st was head of the country until 1916, then his son followed after him and took the role of emperor. His nephew, the Archduke Franz Ferdinand, was in his line of heir, but was assassinated. Hungary was a minor and major factor in the World Wars, being strong when large and fully populated with a strong army but weak when the country disintegrated. The House of Hapsburg allowed Hungary and Austria to divide the power equally to split up the lands becoming independent countries.
Religion Info: Some of Hungary’s religion was Jewish. The other religions were mainly Christianity and Catholicism.
Economy Info: Industrial: Hungary manufactures several goods such as aluminum, cement, chemicals, paper products, and shoes. They also have a large mining industry and attract many tourists. Financial: Hungary owns and operates many financial institutions. Hungary’s currency is called a pengo.
Popular Books: Book about Holocaust in Hungary Book about the Nazi’s last attack
Education: Miklos Braun went to school and graduated from the trade school on Vas Street in Hungary. Braun was eighteen years old when finished with school. Back in the 1930’s, education was easier to obtain than today. Students did not need as many years of school to get jobs. This is a picture of an old school in Budapest, Hungary.
Family Pictures Braun with his sister Klari, and his brother Ferenc. Picture of his wife Vera Wexler shortly after their wedding.
Pictures Miklos Braun as a young soldier. He was sent in forced labor and this picture was made in Kiev. He returned home in November 1943 but was unexpectedly sent to a concentration camp after.
Pictures Braun with his wife and two young sons after he returned home. His two sons were named Gabor and Janos. His wife, before married to Miklos, worked in an office in an electric motor factory.
Timeline ↑ Miklos Braun was born in ↓ Braun’s sister Klari was married around ↑ Klari and her husband were killed in Auschwitz in ↓ Braun marries Vera Wexler: Miklos was sent to Lichtenworth concentration camp. ↑ Braun’s mother died in ↑ 1942: Braun was drafted in the army.