Haiku Poems that turn daily or well-known situations into brand new experiences
Structure 17 syllables (5/7/5) Kigo – nature or seasonal word Satori – moment of enlightenment
Contemporary Examples
alone, on the web, drops of sensitivity embrace an eyelash - Alexey V. Andeyev
Silence-a strangled Telephone has forgotten That it should ring - Michael R. Collings
the morning paper harbinger of good and ill --I step over it - Dave McCroskey
Examples that have been translated from Japanese and do not obey the “rules”
Right at my feet – And when did you get here, snail? -Issa
I kill an ant And realize my three children have been watching. -Shuson Kato
Night, and the moon! My neighbor, playing on his flute – out of tune! - Kojo
After killing a spider, how lonely I feel in the cold of night! - Masaoka Shiki
For love and for hate I swat a fly and offer it To an ant. - Masaoka Shiki
The summer river: although there is a bridge, my horse goes through the water. - Masaoka Shiki
Glass balls and glowing lights. Dead tree in living room. Killed to honor birth. - Ron Loeffler
Anonymous Student Samples
Hands speckled with cuts Florist, cut my thorny rose Make it safe for touch
Petals like the sun Why name it a sunflower The sun is not brown
Lemonade for sale A car in the horizon Continued driving
The cold keeps us in forces us to be family But is that so sad?
colored leaves do fall, and wash away the season, along with our past.
Time for renewal the flowers will grow along with our troubled hearts
Read more about haiku on pages in the old purple book.
Complete the Creative Writing exercise at the bottom of page 643.