SC OOSC Scenario in Million Plus States & cities SC: (1.16%) SC: (1.16%) Declining % age of OOSC in 6-14 SC Declining % age of OOSC in 6-14 SC 5 Districts where OOSC increased from last yrs; 5 Districts where OOSC increased from last yrs; SC: Vadodara Corp. (3.48 %), Hyderabad(1.85%), Amritsar(1.72%), Madurai(1.07%), Vishakapatnam(0.99%) SC: Vadodara Corp. (3.48 %), Hyderabad(1.85%), Amritsar(1.72%), Madurai(1.07%), Vishakapatnam(0.99%) 5 Districts having Highest OOSC Number SC: Amritsar(6430), Asansoi(4938)Bardhman),Patna Urban(3885), Lukhnow(3530), Allahabad(2884) SC: Amritsar(6430), Asansoi(4938)Bardhman),Patna Urban(3885), Lukhnow(3530), Allahabad(2884) Among the Five highest No. of SC OOSC in states: Among the Five highest No. of SC OOSC in states: Bihar, West Bengal, Punjab million plus states are having highest SC OOSC Bihar, West Bengal, Punjab million plus states are having highest SC OOSC % %
ST OOSC Scenario in Million Plus States & cities ST : (0.8%) ST : (0.8%) Declining % age of OOSC in 6-14 ST Declining % age of OOSC in 6-14 ST 5 Districts where OOSC increased from last yrs; ST: Varanasi(18.15%),Patna urban (17.35%), Madurai(9.05%), Hyderabad (6.66%),Vadodara corp.(4.03%) 5 Districts having Highest OOSC Number 5 Districts having Highest OOSC Number ST: Vishakapatam(3985), Patna Urban(3170), Hyderabad(2223), Asansol (Bardman 1173)Indore(1056) ST: Vishakapatam(3985), Patna Urban(3170), Hyderabad(2223), Asansol (Bardman 1173)Indore(1056) Among the Five highest No. of ST OOSC in states: Among the Five highest No. of ST OOSC in states: West Bengal, & Andhra Pradesh Million plus states are having highest ST OOSC West Bengal, & Andhra Pradesh Million plus states are having highest ST OOSC % %
Minority OOSC Scenario in Million Plus States & cities Minority: (1.9%) Minority: (1.9%) Declining % age of OOSC in 6-14 Minority Declining % age of OOSC in 6-14 Minority Minority: Kochi, Hyderabad(5.91%), Ahmedabad Corp.(2.57%), Vishakhapatnum(2.18%), Chennai(1.24%) Minority: Kochi, Hyderabad(5.91%), Ahmedabad Corp.(2.57%), Vishakhapatnum(2.18%), Chennai(1.24%) 5 Districts having Highest OOSC Number 5 Districts having Highest OOSC Number Minority: Hyderabad(21085), Patna urban (4929), Asansol (Bardman 3863),Kolkata(3658), UP(Lucknow 2645)Amritsar (2245) Minority: Hyderabad(21085), Patna urban (4929), Asansol (Bardman 3863),Kolkata(3658), UP(Lucknow 2645)Amritsar (2245) Among the Five highest No. of SC OOSC in states: Among the Five highest No. of SC OOSC in states: Bihar, West Bengal, UP Million plus states are having highest Minority OOSC Bihar, West Bengal, UP Million plus states are having highest Minority OOSC % %
social category wise reduction of OOSC in million plus cities Districts performed better in reducing OOSc from last yrs Districts performed better in reducing OOSc from last yrs SC: Patna Urban (9.86%), Asansol (Bardman)(6.62%),Ludhiana(3%) SC: Patna Urban (9.86%), Asansol (Bardman)(6.62%),Ludhiana(3%) ST: Kochi(37%), Lukhnow(10.10%), Asansol(Bardman)(6.50%) ST: Kochi(37%), Lukhnow(10.10%), Asansol(Bardman)(6.50%) Minority: Patna Urban(17%), Asansol (Bardman)(4.47%), Faridabad(3.48%) Minority: Patna Urban(17%), Asansol (Bardman)(4.47%), Faridabad(3.48%)
Challenges before SSA in dealing with Million plus States Enrolment less than the population : Enrolment less than the population : {Large gaps are in Kerala(14.77ppt), UP (9.68 ppt) Bihar (7.98 ppt)}
SC: Delhi (39.27ppt), West Bengal (7.25ppt), Rajasthan (4.71ppt). ST: Maharashtra (18.41ppt), West Bengal (11.17ppt), Gujarat (8.62ppt), Madhya Pradesh (6.98ppt) Minority: Bihar (0.10ppt), Uttar Pradesh (101.34ppt) SC: Delhi (29.4), Haryana (21.5), Punjab (17.8), UP (15.4). ST: Tamil Nadu (29.4), Maharashtra (26), AP (19.5), Gujarat (18.3), West Bengal (16.4) States having SC/ST/Minority GER GAPS in million plus cities Drop out rate of SC/ST at Elementary level in million plus cities
Access related challenges in million plus states In total out of PS sanctioned in million plus states, (91%) have been opened and are balance In total out of PS sanctioned in million plus states, (91%) have been opened and are balance The states that are yet to open all the schools are as follow: The states that are yet to open all the schools are as follow: –Delhi, Tamil Nadu, Maharashtra, Bihar, Uttar Pradesh, Punjab, Madhya Pradesh and Jharkhand 5547 primary school has been sanctioned during under SSA primary school has been sanctioned during under SSA. In total out of UPS sanctioned in million plus states, (86%) have been opened and are balance In total out of UPS sanctioned in million plus states, (86%) have been opened and are balance The states that are yet to open all the schools are as follow: The states that are yet to open all the schools are as follow: –West Bengal, Bihar, Jharkhand, Maharashtra, Uttar Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, Rajasthan, Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh upper primary school has been sanctioned during under SSA upper primary school has been sanctioned during under SSA.
Financial Status & Allocation for social categories in the million plus States under SSA In , Rs lakhs was sanctioned under SC/ST Innovation head out of which the Rs lakhs (51%) has been spent. In , Rs lakhs was sanctioned under SC/ST Innovation head out of which the Rs lakhs (51%) has been spent. Karnataka and Taminadu have spent 100%. Karnataka and Taminadu have spent 100%. MP, AP, WB, Punjab, Rajasthan, Jharkhand, UP have spent less than 50% MP, AP, WB, Punjab, Rajasthan, Jharkhand, UP have spent less than 50% Out of total Rs lakh sanctioned amount for SC/ST under SSA during , Rs lakh (67%) has been sanctioned for Million plus states Out of total Rs lakh sanctioned amount for SC/ST under SSA during , Rs lakh (67%) has been sanctioned for Million plus states Similarly for Minority, out of Rs lakh, Rs lakh (80%) has been sanctioned in the Million plus states. Similarly for Minority, out of Rs lakh, Rs lakh (80%) has been sanctioned in the Million plus states. In only 31% of sanction amount for minority has been utilized In only 31% of sanction amount for minority has been utilized
Initiatives to cover Access Challenges among social category groups Opening of Primary school within 1 k.m. of every habitation and provision of opening of new schools as per state norms or for setting up EGS in unserved habitation. Opening of Primary school within 1 k.m. of every habitation and provision of opening of new schools as per state norms or for setting up EGS in unserved habitation. Opening of one upper primary school for every two primary schools as per requirement and state norms Opening of one upper primary school for every two primary schools as per requirement and state norms Schools to 40% sc population villages on priority. Schools to 40% sc population villages on priority. Opening of EGS & AIE (NRBC, RBC, Seasonal hostels for migrating children etc.) in tribal areas with relaxed norms (with children. Opening of EGS & AIE (NRBC, RBC, Seasonal hostels for migrating children etc.) in tribal areas with relaxed norms (with children. –Seasonal hostels/residential camps/work site during the period of migration –Peripatetic educational volunteer who can move with the migrating families. –Strategies for tracking of children through migration cards/other records to enable continuity in their education before, during and after the migration.
Other Initiatives to cover Challenges in million plus states Provision of Rs 15 lakhs to each district for special innovative activities to promote education of Scheduled Castes children. Provision of Rs 15 lakhs to each district for special innovative activities to promote education of Scheduled Castes children. On 24 th June 2008, the GOI has sent a letter D.O. No /2006-EE.11, to all states to ensure effective access of Primary & Upper primary schools in SC/ST dominating blocks/districts, effective community mobilization and to improve the learning achievement of children On 24 th June 2008, the GOI has sent a letter D.O. No /2006-EE.11, to all states to ensure effective access of Primary & Upper primary schools in SC/ST dominating blocks/districts, effective community mobilization and to improve the learning achievement of children Incentives such as free textbooks, primers in tribal language, uniform etc. Incentives such as free textbooks, primers in tribal language, uniform etc. Convergence with other department such as with MoTA & MoSJ&E Convergence with other department such as with MoTA & MoSJ&E Coordinator for tribal education in States with high Tribal concentration. Coordinator for tribal education in States with high Tribal concentration.
Improving Learning Outcomes Improving Learning Outcomes –Sensitization of teachers against gender / caste biases. –Remedial teaching especially for SC/ST children. –Disaggregated data on learning achievement. –Development of primers in tribal local language. Community Participation & Ownership Community Participation & Ownership –Mandatory SC/ST representation on school bodies –Recruitment of local tribal teachers. –Community training. –Publicity with focus on disadvantaged groups in print & electronic media.
Initiatives to cover Muslim Population Coverage of uncovered Madarsa: Coverage of uncovered Madarsa: Recognised Madarsa: Recognised Madarsa: School grant to primary & upper primary School School grant to primary & upper primary School Teacher Grant Teacher Grant Free text books for all Free text books for all Additional Teacher Additional Teacher Teachers Training Teachers Training Unrecognised Madarsa: Setting up of an EGS /AIE Intervention Free text bookss An instructor Contegencies etc. Provision of Urdu textbooks for urdu medium schools 2 urdu teachers in KGBV opened in muslim concentrated blocks Support to Madarsa maktab During , Madersa/Makhtab are supported under SSA with coverage of lakh children During , unrecognised Madarsa/Makhtab has been sanctioned. Out of which are in Million plus states
Suggestions Need based assessment with detail academic support structure Need based assessment with detail academic support structure Reflection of Muslim children in Dise. Reflection of Muslim children in Dise. Strengthening Monitoring Mechanisms Strengthening Monitoring Mechanisms Convergence with other Dept. Convergence with other Dept. Smooth flow of cash transition Smooth flow of cash transition Initiatives for universal retention & enhancement of learning achievement Initiatives for universal retention & enhancement of learning achievement Development of Mainstreaming Plan Development of Mainstreaming Plan Track a enrolled child Track a enrolled child Community mobilization & awareness generation programmes Community mobilization & awareness generation programmes