Status of the Beam Phase and Intensity Monitor for LHCb Richard Jacobsson Zbigniew Guzik Federico Alessio TFC Team: Motivation Aims Overview of the board Debugging process Performance Future plans
05/06/0745th LHCb Week2 Why BPIM? General clock issues: -Clock locked with the beam transmitted over 14 km of optical fibres at a depth of ~1 m -Estimated diurnal (200 ps) and seasonal drift (8 ns) due to temperature variations (AB/RF ref.) Aid in the coarse and fine time alignment of the experiment -Monitor individual bunch position -Measure bunch intensity bunch-by-bunch for trigger conditions -Measure bunch phase bunch-by-bunch for long-term stability in clock distribution Able to -See single bunch crossing: signal coming from BPTXs for LHCb, very fast and high bipolar pulse. -Check trigger/detector timing alignment on the fly and tag events with bunch information through the TFC system (Interfaced with ODIN) AB/RF optical links TTC equipment
05/06/0745th LHCb Week3 Developing custom made acquisition board: –6U VME, one per beam –Online analysis of a bipolar pulse: ±5Vmax amplitude, FWHM 1 ns at 40 MHz –Measure time between bunch arrivals and LHC bunch clock locally Bunch-by-bunch for a full LHC turn filled in FIFO Triggered via controls interface <100 ps precision and averaging phase as a function of bunch crossing –Measure continuously bunch intensities bunch-by-bunch 12-bit resolution by integrating pulse per bunch Output intensity on front-panel at 40 MHz (8/4-bit resolution) Triggered via controls interface, fill in FIFO with intensities for full turn Intensity per bunch as a function of bunch crossing –Readout via Experiment Control System, CCPC based interface –Interfaced directly to LHCb Timing and Fast Control system –Data processing on FPGA –Data and clock transmitted over LVPECL protocol The 1° prototype few months ago What do we aim to?
05/06/0745th LHCb Week4 Overview of the board Pspice simulations are available in lhcb by R.Jacobsson & Z.Guzik a lot of debugging 6 logical blocks: - Intensity measurement chain - Phase measurement chain - Clock distribution - Digital processing and data accumulation - I/O interfaces - Board control via ECS
05/06/0745th LHCb Week5 Debugging adventure The first prototype has been mounted and debugged in stages: a lot of “bricolage” on it (thanks to the Electronic Workshop!) and understanding of the problems. The 1° prototype one month ago The analog chain is working: impressive performance! Input pulse 3Vpp – FWHM 2ns through an inverter, buffer and rectifier stage. Current amplifier with slew rate as V/µs
05/06/0745th LHCb Week6 Debugging adventure Almost all the digital parts have been mounted. FPGA programmed to configure and readout the TDC (Time-to-digital converter) and ADC. Debugged and fixed Start and Stop signals for the TDC (resolution of 27ps, data stored in 2 FIFOs). The 1° prototype now
05/06/0745th LHCb Week7 Conclusions What is good? - All the chips mounted, tested and debugged - Analog chain mounted and most of the problems solved with amplifiers, buffers, clock delays and distributor. - CCPC mounted and booted. It’s possible to program and readout the FPGA via the LocalBus - Digital parts mounted. FPGA already programmed (brief and simple VHDL code just to test TDC and ADC) - Fast TDC and ADC working well. Fixed all the driving signals to the chip - The new prototype is being designed by Z.Guzik with all the bugs fixed What will be modified? - The input attenuator doesn’t work. To be changed with a new design - The integrator is working; not as stable as we wish. - Replace the zero crossing method with a constant fraction at falling edge. - Translators from PECL to LVPECL chips. The whole board uses LVPECL protocol - No FIFO storage yet. TDC and ADC just read on the fly - More GP outputs to be added - A lot of testing to find out best response of the board
05/06/0745th LHCb Week8 Plans for the future A second prototype is under development with the mentioned changes, it will be ready soon and then produced. Some new chips and some new layout for the PCB. We are confident that already the second prototype will work as designed. We will continue studying the first prototype… … with a bipolar signal generator from LHC-BI group … … and then will be tested in the SPS accelerator … … a Graphic User Interface (in PVSS) will be developed to monitor the board. CMS & ALICE are interested...! (Optional VME interface already on board) Thank you for your attention.