69 th RISC Meeting Update on Transport of Dangerous Goods Emmanuel RUFFIN, Safety Unit Brussels, 30 January 2014.


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Presentation transcript:

69 th RISC Meeting Update on Transport of Dangerous Goods Emmanuel RUFFIN, Safety Unit Brussels, 30 January 2014

ERA involvement in Transport of Dangerous Goods (TDG) matters

July 2007 – ERA received a mandate from the Commission on TDG ›To monitor the developments of TDG regulations at the level of UNECE and OTIF ›To try to make these developments compatible with EU Railway legislation ›ERA attends all RID Committee meetings on TDG organised by OTIF ›ERA attends UNECE Joint Meetings when relevant for EU Railway legislation Since mid-2009 – Improved exchange of information ›RID Committee introduces a standing item in its agendas “Information by ERA” ›RID Contracting parties are welcomed to request ERA specific information ›ERA continues attending all relevant meetings Since 2012 – ERA starts organising TDG related workshops ›On EU Railway topics (ECM, Risk assessment, National rules…) ›These events have been very well appreciated by TDG Experts (UNECE & OTIF) ›TDG Experts have suggested ERA to continue and to steer certain developments Key Dates

UN Model recommendations on the Regulations for the carriage of transport of dangerous goods ›Concerns substances classification and safe packaging, handling, loading, stowage… Mode Regulations (ADR – road /RID – rail /ADN - waterways) ›UN Model recommendations + Adaptation specific to the mode of transport ›95% of RID scope is limited to the “use of the transport mean” ›5% of RID also concern “design” or “operation” requirements to the railway system EU Railway legislation (RSD / IOD / TDG Directive) ›Established a new context and new constraints to the development of the RID ›TDG Directive scope correspond to the RID scope (RID is the Annex II) ›RSD + IOD scopes are limited to railway system harmonised “design” and the conditions for its safe “operation” Key Scopes

COTIF level ›RID scope limited to the “use of the transport mean” It address the substance classification/packing /tank/loading/unloading /marking… Not the design of vehicle nor the train operations EU level ›TDG Directive scope corresponds to RID scope (RID is the Annex II): use of the transport systems Key interfaces principles clear scopes / no duplication of work ›Other COTIF Appendices (ATMF/APTU/ UTPs) contain “design” or “operation” requirements to the railway system ›RSD + IOD scopes are limited to harmonised design and safe operation of the EU railway system

Management of DG MOVE / OTIF / ERA interfaces on Transport of Dangerous Goods

Article 12 establishes collaboration interfaces on TDG for: a)Allocation of responsibilities to the railway stakeholders b)Railway operations c)Wagon construction d)Reporting of accidents and statistics e)Emergency planning f)Telematics applications g)Terminology h)Risk evaluation and assessment methods i)Any other relevant issues… Administrative Arrangement DG MOVE/OTIF/ERA on TDG

a)Allocation of responsibilities to the railway stakeholders ›Workshop on ECM regulation in the context of TDG d)Reporting of accidents and statistics ›Cooperation with UNECE/OTIF Joint Meeting on TDG accident reporting databases f)Telematics applications ›Amendment of TAF TSI Technical Documents concerning TDG messages h)Risk evaluation and assessment methods ›Workshop on Risk-based decisions in the context of TDG, steering new reflexions on TDG Risks management Examples of ERA contributions

It is recognised that ERA contributions to other existing regulation workflows on Dangerous Goods at UNECE and OTIF levels is positive and necessary The AdAr establishes sustainable collaboration principles between DG MOVE, OTIF and ERA for the good management of regulations’ interfaces, including on TDG Existing ERA contributions to the monitoring and development of Dangerous Goods legislation are formalized in the proposal for the 4th Railway Package and Agency Regulation Conclusions

Making the railway system work better for society. era.europa.eu