Integration of the Experimental Facility in West Area & CNGS 1Ans Pardons, 18/10/2012 Integration of experimental facility in West Area and CNGS With input & slides from D. Brethoux, V. Clerc, E. Gschwendtner, J. Osbourne
Outline General layout: – Information available & missing West Area – Guided tour – Integration first proposal – Issues CNGS – Guided tour – Integration first proposal – Issues 2Ans Pardons, 18/10/2012 Integration of experimental facility in West Area and CNGS
General Layout of Experimental Facility Plasma-cell Proton beam dump RF gun Laser dump OTR Streak camera CTR EO diagnostic e - spectrometer e-e- SPS protons ~3m 10m 15m? 20m 10m? 10m 3Ans Pardons, 18/10/2012 Integration of experimental facility in West Area and CNGS
Information - Main Equipment 4Ans Pardons, 18/10/2012 Integration of experimental facility in West Area and CNGS EquipmentLengthWidt h HeightComments Plasma Cell10m1m~50cmHeight of the cell itself, no stand Laser for seeding Ti:sapphire option ~3.6m1.2m1.5mLaser on an optical table, max 10m from mirror (this option more for CNGS) Fiber laser option1m2m Cabinet format (this option more for TT61) Mirrors30cm Mirror in a vacuum ‘cube’ Plasma diagnostics and sec. beam diagnostics 3.6m1.2m1m at ~beam- line height Should fit on an optical table with 20 power plugs (220V). Access needed RF-gun3m Laser for gun1m2m Electron spectrometer magnet 1m 3m downstream of plasma Electron spectrometer detector 3m1m RF-klystron1.5m 2mMax 20m from RF gun – same needed for modulator Optical tableAt least 3.6x1.2 -> see beam diagnostics
Information - Service Equipment 5 ME-Main Equipment SE-Service EquipmentSE volume (LxWxH) Max. distance SE – ME Comments Plasma CellPower for heating (~10kW), vacuum, water cooling, misc. power for diagnostics and controls Half an rackFew metersMay require 360V, 3-phase connection Laser for seeding~10kW electrical power, temperature stabilization and clean room (+/- 0.5C for T:sapph), quiet EM environment Power supplies 1x3x1m 3 Few metersFiber laser may be simpler and the only option for CNGS MirrorsMotorization, remote/feedback, tip/tilt1-2 instruments in racks (~20cm) Few meters10-20 m upstream from plasma entrance Plasma diagnosticsNone expectedTake light out through optical fibers RF-gunRF-klystron20m Laser for gun Sec. beam diagnostics OTR foil (few mum-thick Ti) in p+ beam path in vacuum tube + OTR system to collect light 1x1m 2 on optical table (added to 3.6x1.2 table?) Take light out through optical fibers to streak camera located where permanent access is possible Extra size optical table? e-spectrometer magnet e-spectrometer detector Shielding for camera Ans Pardons, 18/10/2012 Integration of experimental facility in West Area and CNGS
Information available & missing For the West Area site, integration depends on the extraction line geometry chosen. An older option (trench in TT5) is shown, but any other option will not cause major modifications or show-stoppers on CDR level. The layouts shown further-on use all the information that we have available, but a lot of information is still missing. We urgently need more input from the collaboration for each element: footprint, services (power, cooling, gas, cables etc.), “geometrical” constraints… Ans Pardons, 18/10/2012 Integration of experimental facility in West Area and CNGS 6
Site 1 : WEST AREA (TT4-TT5) 7Ans Pardons, 18/10/2012 Integration of experimental facility in West Area and CNGS TT61 TT4 TT5 Beam from TCC6 - SPS AWAKE 183
West Area – guided tour TT5 TT4 8Ans Pardons, 18/10/2012 Integration of experimental facility in West Area and CNGS
West Area TT4 Beam from TT61 9Ans Pardons, 18/10/2012 Integration of experimental facility in West Area and CNGS TT4 Beam from TT61
West Area Beam from TT61 TT4 10Ans Pardons, 18/10/2012 Integration of experimental facility in West Area and CNGS
West Area TT5 Beam from TT61 11Ans Pardons, 18/10/2012 Integration of experimental facility in West Area and CNGS
West Area: modeling Create 3D models from existing 2D drawings Insert beamline and civil engineering Ans Pardons, 18/10/2012 Integration of experimental facility in West Area and CNGS 12 Old H3 beam (in yellow) AWAKE beam (trench option) in purple
Layout West Area (TT4, TT5) Ans Pardons, 18/10/2012 Integration of experimental facility in West Area and CNGS 13 Plasma Cell El. Spect. magnet RF gun Laser for gun RF- klystron Plasma & Sec. Beam diagnostics El. Spect. detector Laser for seeding TI:sapphire Dump Power supply seeding laser
West Area: Issues Trench in conflict with technical galleries at 450 GeV beam (see Chiara’s & John’s talks) Magnet storage in TT4/TT5 No beamline installed, needs new magnets Needs new proton dump, radiation issues (see Helmut’s talk) Interference with nTOF (shielding, access) But: easy access to experimental facility Ans Pardons, 18/10/2012 Integration of experimental facility in West Area and CNGS 14
Site 2 : CNGS (TT41-TCC4-TCV4) 15Ans Pardons, 18/10/2012 Integration of experimental facility in West Area and CNGS hadron absorber TCC4/TCV4 TT41 Beam from SPS AWAKE
CNGS Layout TargetJunction chamber / TCC4Proton beam line TT41Horn TSG41 TCV4 Storage gallery TSG40 TSG4 tap can be removed TSG41 tap can be moved inside TCV4 – TSG41 TSG4 - racks (120 m) Proton beam line TT41 Access Gallery TSG41 Junction chamber TCC4 Target chamber TSG4 16Ans Pardons, 18/10/2012 Integration of experimental facility in West Area and CNGS
CNGS Proton beam-line TT41 17Ans Pardons, 18/10/2012 Integration of experimental facility in West Area and CNGS
CNGS Ans Pardons, 18/10/2012 Integration of experimental facility in West Area and CNGS 18 Access gallery TAG41 (1km long)
CNGS Junction chamber TCC4 19Ans Pardons, 18/10/2012 Integration of experimental facility in West Area and CNGS
CNGS 20Ans Pardons, 18/10/2012 Integration of experimental facility in West Area and CNGS Cooled Hadron Stop / Proton Dump
21Ans Pardons, 18/10/2012 Integration of experimental facility in West Area and CNGS CNGS: modeling 3D civil engineering tunnel model available. Keep end of beam line as for CNGS (tunnel&beam slopes 5.66% to Gran Sasso) Still to do: Combine 3D civil engineering model and 2D installation drawings (see what can stay, what must go) TAG42 TCV4 TT41 TCC4 TSG40 TSG41
Layout CNGS (TT41, TCC4) Ans Pardons, 18/10/2012 Integration of experimental facility in West Area and CNGS 22 RF gun Plasma Cell RF- klystron Laser for gun Plasma diagnostics Laser for seeding TI:sapphire El. Spect. detector El. Spect. magnet Power supply seeding laser
Layout CNGS (TT41, TCC4, TCV4) Ans Pardons, 18/10/2012 Integration of experimental facility in West Area and CNGS 23 Laser for seeding TI:sapphire Plasma Cell El. Spect. detector El. Spect. magnet Plasma & Sec. Beam diagnostics RF gun Laser for gun RF- klystron Power supply seeding laser
CNGS: Issues Linked to CNGS future plans, only first stage Awake can be planned for the moment (leave rest in place) Radioactive area: interventions are more complex Underground area: limited space available, civil engineering & access procedures are more complex But: proton dump available, some recuperation of magnets possible, access independent from LHC/SPS, fairly new services already installed Ans Pardons, 18/10/2012 Integration of experimental facility in West Area and CNGS 24
From Edda’s talk: West Area vs CNGS – Incomplete! E. Gschwendtner, AWAKE Collaboration Meeting, CERN, 18/10/ West AreaCNGS Proton beam line- To be done+ Most of it exists Prompt dose issues (muon dose) - Consequences on beam energy and/or limited number of extractions! + OK, under control Other radiation issues- Shielding to protect West Area- Target, horns! Need long cool-down Civil engineering- Needed for trench-+ to be checked whether needed. Size of experimental area+ OK- Small Access- New access system, + but experimental area nearby + Access system exists, - but long distance to experimental area Electricity- A lot must be refurbished, renewed+ Exists, - needs some modifications Cooling, ventilation- A lot must be refurbished, renewed,…+ Exists, - needs some modifications Storage- TT4/TT5 full with stored magnets, etc… area needed in LS1. build new storage building. + No storage area Beam dump- Must be newly built, - lot of shielding needed+ Exists ……… Also More Information Needed!!
Feedback Any comments? Any corrections? Additional information? Before 31/10………………………. Thanks in advance! Ans Pardons, 18/10/2012 Integration of experimental facility in West Area and CNGS 26 We urgently need more input from the collaboration for each element: footprint, services (power, cooling, gas, cables etc.), “geometrical” constraints…