Women in Engineering (WIE) Wing-Kam Li R4 WIE Coordinator/ GOLD rep on WIEC Chicago, Jan 2007
Agenda l WIE’s Dedication and Structure l WIE Regional Coordinator Responsibilities l Membership Statistics and R4 Statistics l How to start an affinity group (AG) or student branch affinity group (SBAG) l AG of the Year Award
WIE’s Dedication l RECOGNIZES women's outstanding achievements in electrical and electronics engineering through IEEE Awards l ORGANIZES receptions at major technical conferences to enhance networking and to promote membership in WIE l ADVOCATES women in leadership roles in IEEE governance and career advancement for women in the profession. l PROVIDES assistance with the formation of new WIE Affinity Groups and supports ongoing activities l ADMINISTERS the IEEE Student-Teacher and Research Engineer/Scientist (STAR) Program to mentor young women in junior high school and high school l PROMOTES member grade advancement for women to the grades of Senior Member and Fellow l FACILITATES the development of programs and activities that promote the entry into and retention of women in engineering programs
WIE Regional Coordinator l Act as a liaison between the Region and the WIE Committee l Facilitate the establishment of local IEEE WIE Affinity Groups within a Section and/Society, including student branches, in the regional area. l Support Section Chairs in the establishment of WIE Groups helping identify volunteers and training them.
WIE Committee (WIEC) Structure l 10 voting committee members l 10 regional coordinators l Liaisons to societies and other boards l Reports to Board of Directors
WIE Regular and Student Branch Affinity Groups and Membership by Region: Jan 2006 MembershipGroups Source: IEEE Membership Database, 24 Jan 2006; Women in Engineering Environmental Scan by John Keaton Student memberships in R8, R9 and R10 are the primary factor driving WIE’s growth.
Background Data on WIE Members by Higher Grade and Student Memberships Source: IEEE Membership Database, 24 Jan 2006; Women in Engineering Environmental Scan by John Keaton WIE membership is typically younger (27 yrs) than IEEE’s membership (43 yrs). While student members drive down the average age, WIE’s higher grade members at 34 years are also typically younger than IEEE membership at 47 years. Three out of every ten WIE members are male.
Region 4 WIE AGs lClChicago lMlMilwaukee lMlMichigan Technological University (SBAG) lUlUniversity of Windsor (SBAG)
Benefits of WIE local AG formation l Opportunity to network on a local level with professionals with common interests l Free website hosting. l Apply for funding for events & activities. l Eligible to receive additional funding of US $200 through Regional Activities if Affinity Group meets minimum requirements. l Post regional news and upcoming events in the WIE Newsletter and the WIE website. Send all postings to l Borrow WIE Forum videotapes for affinity group meetings l Free WIE membership promotional items for affinity group meetings and events
How to form an AG? l Forming a group is the best way to interact and share information with others with similar interests in your local area. There are two types of affinity group formations: l Section Affinity Group for members l Student Branch Affinity Group l To form an Affinity Group: l Recruit six IEEE members willing to be part of the founding affinity group. l Select someone to be responsible for the affinity group until the first meeting is held and the Officers are formally appointed. l Obtain your Section or Student Branch's Executive Committee's approval. An Affinity Group depends administratively and financially on the Section. l Submit a petition to IEEE Regional Activities. l
AG of the Year Award l SBAG and regular AG l US$250 award + Certificate of Recognition l Criteria l Quality of activities and programs sponsored/co-sponsored by the AG l Quantity of activities and programs l The number of participants at regular meetings and other activities and programs l Demonstrations of outreach programs to young women l The number of people served by the outreach l Communication with its members l Growth of affinity group membership l AG website (if available) l
More Resources l WIE website: l AG Reporting: ab/scs/Required_Reporting/chap_requir e.html ab/scs/Required_Reporting/chap_requir e.html l R4 WIE Coordinator – l WIEC –