National Standards of Excellence for Head teachers January 2015 Margaret Colley SSIA
Purpose: Defines high standards in a self-improving school system. Guidance to underpin best practice whatever the job description of the head teacher and whatever the context of the school. Non statutory unlike teachers standards. Relevant to all head teachers irrespective of the length of time in the post. They are developmental. The standards are designed to be aspirational and challenging.
They are not for… Using as a check list of expected performance. Using as a hierarchical competency framework. Being the sole tool to identify areas for development.
The Four Domains Qualities and knowledge Pupils and staff Systems and processes The self-improving school system Within each of the domains there are 6 key characteristics expected of head teachers.
Excellent Head teachers: qualities and knowledge. Hold and articulate clear values and moral purpose. Focusing on providing a world class education for all pupils. Demonstrate optimistic personal behaviour and positive attitudes to all stakeholders and the community. Lead by example Sustain wide and current knowledge of education and pursue continuous professional development. Work with a clear set of principles centred on the school vison, translating local and national policy into the school context. Communicate the school vision and drive strategic leadership.
Pupils and staff: Demand ambitious standards for all pupils overcoming disadvantage and instilling a strong sense of accountability for staff. Secure excellent teaching through an analytical understanding of the core features of learning and practice. Establish a culture of ‘open classrooms’ as a basis for sharing good practice. Use research and robust data analysis to support. Create an ethos where staff are highly motivated and supported to develop their skills and support each other. Identify emerging talent, coach aspirant leaders leading to clear succession planning. Hold all staff to account for their professional conduct and practice.
Systems and processes: Ensure that systems are well organised efficient and fit for purpose using transparency, integrity and probity. Provide a safe calm and well ordered environment for all pupils and staff focused on safeguarding. Establish rigorous, fair and transparent systems and measures for managing the performance of all staff, addressing any underperformance. Supporting staff to improve and valuing excellent practice. Welcome strong governance and actively support the governing body to understand its role and deliver its functions. Exercise strategic, curriculum lead financial planning to ensure equitable deployment of budgets and resources in the best interests of pupil achievement and school sustainability. Distribute leadership throughout the organisation, forging teams who have distinct roles and responsibilities and hold each other to account for their decision making.
The self improving school system. Create outward facing schools which work with other schools and organisations to champion best practice and secure excellent achievement. Develop effective relationships with other professionals. Use well evidenced research to underpin decisions. Secure high quality training and sustained professional development for staff to shape the teaching profession. Model innovative approaches to school improvement, leadership and governance confident of internal and external accountability. Inspire and influence others to believe in the fundamental importance of education for young people.
How can governors use the standards? To inform appraisal by acting as a background document rather than a set of standards. Inform objective setting based on a discussion with the head teacher on areas for development. Objectives must be tailored and be relevant to the context of the school and its priorities for improvement. In the recruitment process to underpin and shape job descriptions and person specifications. As a check to ensure that the selection process is sufficiently comprehensive. Provide a framework for professional development for aspirant leaders within the school in conjunction with the head teacher. Identification of potential future leaders.