Martin Bryant, PI Trainer and Developer Listed by Oil Systems as one of five recommended PI trainers in the North America. One of only a few full-time PI Trainers in the world. Experienced International trainer, has taught PI in Saudi Arabia, Korea, and South America. Experienced trainer for students of all computer skill levels. In the last year trained both Fisher-R’s Delta V and Intellution’s Fix Dynamics Tech Support and Marketing Support teams in PI. PI system administrator and project leader for five years. Beta test coordinator for PI- Datalink, PI-Processbook & other PI modules PI-API / VBA developer in who understands ActiveX and ODBC, etc... Three-time presenter at the annual PI User's conference in San Francisco Veteran PC trainer, employed for over five years by a training firm. Has taught hundreds of students in dozens of curricula including PI in both the VAX/VMS and Windows client/server environments. Trained with Microsoft certified instruction in Windows NT and administrating Windows NT networks. Ten year Netware network administrator with training in TCP/IP. Completed a six month programming project as the lead VB programmer in a PI- enabled application for PG&E. The project extensively employed the PI-API and VBA/Excel.
“Pure Datalink”
Datalink Tips Always - “point” - never type in the PI dialogue boxes/ wizards. Enter your tags and dates into the cells and point at them… This is better in several ways: You can select multiple tags You can reuse your tags and dates You can use the powerful Excel dates The sheet is self-documenting You can change the calculations without rebuilding the functions - just change the input cells.
Datalink Tips... Get some excel training… Use PI calls with a deterministic number of return values for production reports. Use Excel dates - they are powerful and reliable... Use the dates returned by PI... Note that Excel has VBA too and it is a ActiveX container - you can use Batchview and other ActiveX controls here….
“Must Know” Features of Excel when used with PI Datalink: Conditional Formatting Excel Date Math Chartwizard Data Analysis Toolkit Copy / Paste Special Value Internet Assistant for Excel
On to Datalink…. PCorScat - Coefficient of Correlation, Time displacement & Scattergraph Runtime - two filters: Excel and “how much time”- compressed data, Excel if/then PI PE-style expressions and PI filtered data requests also “how many events?” Two SQC - the data analysis toolkit and chart wizard….
On to Datalink…. Shift Report: Excel date math, sheet organization and security features, chartwizard, conditional formatting, and more…...