1 WP4 – System Testbed Trial 2 preparation Barcelona 3/03/05 Marco Bobbio Pallavicini - Carlo Gavazzi Space SpA
2 Document Properties
3 WP 4 – Activities to date During months 13-15, activities within WP4 have been targeted to Trial 2 preparation: Testbed preparation Detailed architecture definition System engineering Procurement of the aerial equipment Procurement/set up of the ground infrastructures Flight mission preparation Authorisation to fly Flight window reservation Band allocation within the flight zone Reservation of the helicopter for system search and recovery Test site fixed (ESRANGE) and flight window booked (August 15th - 31st)
4 WP 4 – Testbed architecture Balloon Balloon ATC Cutter Parachute TM/TC System Ballast System Argos GPS Transponder Beacon Strobelight Radar Reflector Mechanical Link Equipped Nacelle Gas Release Valve Stratospheric Carrier (upper segment): detailed architecture defined, criticalities for procurement solved
5 WP 4 – System Engineering (1/3) Nacelle design is not defined yet, waiting for freezing of the payloads requirements in terms of: Mechanical interfaces Electric Power Supply
6 WP 4 – System Engineering (2/3) Mechanical interfaces between the payloads and the hosting nacelle RF PL is well defined, but not completely frozen (possibly within tomorrow) OPT PL architecture has been completely re-defined, according to the new target setting up a module to be flown on both Trial 2 and Trial 3.
7 WP 4 – System Engineering (3/3) Electric Power Supply system for PL feeding (and heating?) 1 system for RF PL feed, based on batteries, is well defined, to be frozen (possibly within tomorrow) for elements procurement 1 system for OPT PL feed, based on different battery packs and converters, is still in configuration phase according to the new target setting up a module to be flown during both Trial 2 and Trial 3. Thermal design for the integrated nacelle system Step 1 – Thermal modelling and analysis of the equipped nacelle, including the pod (OPT PL), the RF PL, the battery packs Step 2 - Iteration for the combined definition of the thermal control system (possibly passive) and the EPS system Parallel to Step 1, CGS and DLR are cooperating for subsystem- level thermal modelling and analysis of the equipped pod (OPT PL) consistent with the two different mission profiles; Trial 2, Trial 3
8 WP 4 – Manufacturing/Procurement On progress: Fairing for OPT PL operation during Trial 2 and Trial 3 Carrier Nacelle for OPT PL, RF PL, Trial 2 Thermal control system (Thermal covers, radiators, heaters? ) Two Electric Power Supply systems for RF PL and OPT PL feeding (battery packs, Converters, harness)
9 WP 4 – Assembly Integration Verification OPT PL assembly and integration within the Pod (agreed subsystem activity, CGS/DLR) Verification of the equipped pod (agreed subsystem activity, CGS/DLR) Integration of the equipped pod within the Nacelle (CGS) Integration of the RF PL within the nacelle (CGS) Integration of the EPS system (CGS) Functional tests of the equipped nacelle, including EMC check (CGS) Preliminary link test for TM/TC and GPS position acquisition (Launch Site) System Validation Test, aerial segment / ground segment (Launch Site)
10 WP 4 – Activities Plan Gantt, to be modified during the technical meeting (possibly updated within tomorrow)