Summit Radio Maintenance and IF Motor Testing By: Blake Stene Akamai Internship W.M. Keck Observatory Mentor: Jason Chin Home Institution: Hawai’i Community College
Projects Radio Repair and Maintenance Testing IF Motors Collecting RMS Data on IF Motors Photo Taken From:
How Did I Get Things Done? Planning Setting Goals Execute the Plan Collecting Data Getting Results
Mauna Kea W.M. Keck Observatory is at 13,600 Feet in Elevation Radios were checked at the summit in the clean room Radios are important Safety feature for all personnel Radios are used at the summit for communication between summit personnel Photo Courtesy: Michael Cooney
Repairing and Maintaining Radios Motorola HT750 and SP50 I used an analyzer to check radios (CTCSS) Continuous Tone Coded Sub-audible Squelch or (PL) Private Line. (I used my scanner for this) Microphone Sensitivity Received Signal Power Output (Watts) Updated the Database Photos Taken From:
Status 52 Radios Checked 43 Radios Working Fine 9 Radios Out of Service (Need Servicing) 3 New (HT750) Radios are Missing 8 Old (SP50) Radios are Missing
Some of the Problems Dirty Speakers (Metal Shavings) Clean Radio (Oil Incident) Solder Cracks Power Output (Watts) Missing Channel Knob Low TX & RX Audio (TX Audio 0.3µV Normal) (TX Audio 0.3µV Normal)
Things I Learned Analyzer Power (Watts) RX and TX Sensitivity Sensitivity of Microphone CTCSS or PL Solder Cracks Database Graphs Photos Courtesy: Michael Cooney
Actuator 850 Motors I used the Pewin 32 program Actuators are used to adjust for the error in mirrors I collected data on each motor to document the limits I changed the software limits so that I could hit the position limits I checked the software and position limits + and – I recorded the data on Excel 2 broken motors will be sent in for repair Photo Courtesy: Michael Cooney
RMS Data
Mahalo Mentor: Jason Chin Eric Appleby Sarah Anderson Ed Wetherell Malika Moutawakkil Bell W.M. Keck Observatory Hawai’i Community College This project is supported by the National Science Foundation Science and Technology Center for Adaptive Optics, managed by the University of California at Santa Cruz under cooperative agreement No. AST –