Progress on H/Abb -> 4b’s channel for the FTK physics case ~ 4jets Trigger w/ and w/o FTK ~ Kohei Yorita Young-Kee Kim University of the FTK Meeting on October 19 th, 2006
Review of 4J Trigger (MC) We have looked at many variations of MC samples. > Sherpa - version (patch) change - different configuration - yt cut - w/ and w/o UE > Pythia - v6.2 (v10 Athena) - v6.3 (v11 Athena) Now it is time to decide “default” sample to conclude studies. (whatever it is, big unknown factors (always) still remain.) Now Default Sample : SHERPA 2->3, yt>25 ; 10M events
Systematics on MC Choice Again, Default Sample : SHERPA 2->3, yt>25 ; 10M events Comparison to 2-> % systematics5% systematics Comparison of yt cuts Correlated & poor stat.
Comparison to PYTHIA Pythia 6.2 Pythia 6.3 Old UE/MI New UE/MI Pt>15 : +-30% x3~4 Pt>20 : +-30% x2~3 Pt>50 : +-20% x~1.4 > Big Unknown : UE/MI tuning. > Why v6.3 changes so much by Ptcut ? > My Signal sample (H/Abb) is still v so we should take +- 30%. So total is ~32%. Might differ by ~2-3 though.
Issues on Underlying Events Fit : Expo+Linear Functions From 20 GeV to 120 GeV. After correction, fluctuation is at the level of 3-5% which is negligible compared to other systematics (~32%). Default Sherpa sample is w/o UE. Erik generated ~2M events w/ UE. Because some jobs are crashed and slow?, Here trying to get Scale Factor here.
Finalizing Trigger Rate as a function of ATLFAST Pt 1KHz (w/ FTK) 100Hz (w/o FTK) 3050 So new working points : - 30 GeV (w/ FTK) and 50 GeV(w/o FTK). OLD setting : - 40 GeV (w/ FTK) and 70 GeV (w/o FTK) -> All studies had to be redone ! * This is what we get with our current best knowledge.
Based on LVL1 8x8 Calorimeter Parameterization UE scale factor 1KHz (w/ FTK) 200Hz (w/o FTK) w/ FTK (1KHz) : 25 GeV Then w/o FTK (200Hz) : 35 GeV Then Jet
Summary of Trigger Rates & Threshold 4Jet Trigger Rates1KHz (LVL1 Max)200Hz (LVL1 TDR)100Hz (LVL2) Atlfast Pt Thresh.> 30 GeV> 45 GeV> 50 GeV 8x8 Calo. Cluster E> 25 GeV (50% effi. to 30 GeV jet) > 35 GeV (50% effi. to 45 GeV jet) - LVL1 Calo vs Atlfast Pt Correspondence* For Atlfast Jets, Assuming LVL2 Jet =~ Atlfast Jet We need LVL2 reduction rate of 10 by either > Btagging (wFTK) > Raising Pt thresh (w/oFTK) Is it possible (by FTK) ? Need mistag rate. (next page.)
Issues on LVL2 Reduction The reduction rate depends on trigger strategy : i.e. btagging is applied for means (1)Only Leading jets. (e.g. 4b for 4 leading jets) OLD (2)Any fiducial jets (eta<2.5) NEW (1) Updated to (2) Not straightforward like linear behavior.
LVL2 Reduction (Cont.) > It depends on the number of fiducial jets and real b quark contents. > Pythia and Sherpa are not much different. But it seems PYTHIA gives lower reduction i.e. it has either more fiducial Jets or/and more real b quarks. With FTK btagging at LVL2, We need a reduction factor of >10 in order to keep Jet Pt threshold. So the following condition would be enough : > 2tag if Ru > 10 (10% mistag) > 3tag if Ru > 4 (25% mistag) > 4tag for any Ru (>2) better Working point in this talk.
Let’s Look at Signal Process (each sample was generated with Atlfast simulation) Coupling to up-type is enhanced at low tan , so decay into tt becomes large. > bb decay : ~85-90% if tan >20 M A (GeV ) No Pt cut Pt > Cross section BR (pb)
Signal Trigger Level
Signal Trigger Level (Cont.) Still expected N of background is ~1.5x10^9. So for the analysis, we have to optimize selection criteria.
What if Trigger Rate is x3 higher ? If Trigger (Background) rate is x3 higher, Thresholds have to be raised accordingly to keep LVL1 rate(1KHz) and LVL2 rate(100Hz). -> This is good study for uncertain QCD bkg & higher luminosity (10^34). We lose signal acceptance, but relative improvement looks even powerful.
(Offline) Optimization based on w/ and w/o FTK Conditions > Requiring btag for “leading 3/4jets” for 3/4btags. > 1 st,2 nd,3 rd jet thresholds are optimized for different M A separately. > 4btag is more powerful than 3btag.
(Offline) Optimization based on w/ & w/o FTK Conditions Now results are not so good as before (which is more or less same as right plot (x3 bkg).). But I think that the most important thing is that even if the background rate is much higher due to high lum or MC miscalculation (in this case, x1 or x3), FTK can provide almost same sensitivity ! But without FTK, very weak against higher background (compare dotted line.)
Plan > Again, need inputs of realistic btagging efficiency and mistag rate to conclude. 2tag with effb=50%, Ru=10 is required in order to reduce the rate by 10 (1KHz->100Hz).) > Missing Pieces : - Complete & Summarize Multi-Threshold Study. - Dijet Mass Distribution > Document it ! > FTK Simulation ?