050928ICFA seminar Daegu 1 Inter-University Research Institute Corporation High Energy Accelerator Research Organization KEK Yoji Totsuka.


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Presentation transcript:

050928ICFA seminar Daegu 1 Inter-University Research Institute Corporation High Energy Accelerator Research Organization KEK Yoji Totsuka

050928ICFA seminar Daegu 2 Mission of KEK: Support university researches that use high-energy accelerators KEK will construct, operate and maintain high-energy accelerators develop advanced accelerator technologies do its own researches

050928ICFA seminar Daegu 3

050928ICFA seminar Daegu 4 MEXT

050928ICFA seminar Daegu 5 Staff (2004) Trustees 7 Researchers373 Technical staff161 Administrators158 Total699 Budget (2005) 417 (oku-yen) Visitors (2004) 3985 (784 foreigners)

050928ICFA seminar Daegu 6 Visiting Researchers ( 2004 ): 3985 Researchers at KEK : 37 3

050928ICFA seminar Daegu 7 Foreign Visiting Researchers ( 2004 ): 784 PS: Proton synchrotron KEKB: Electron-positron collider PF/AR: Light source (electron storage) Neutrons: produced by proton beam Muons : produced by proton beam

050928ICFA seminar Daegu 8 KEKB (8GeVe - x3.5GeVe + ) 12GeV PS Terminated in Dec 2005 e + & e - LINAC 2.5GeV PF 6.5GeV PF-AR K2K  beamline Terminated BELLE Tsukuba Campus:153 ha Spallation neutron source LE muon source Terminated in March 2006 ATF (Accelerator Test Facility) STF

050928ICFA seminar Daegu 9 Institute of Particle and Nuclear Studies Physics Division I BELLE experiment at KEKB e + e - Collider Physics Division II International collaboration  ATLAS experiment at LHC  ZEUS experiment at HERA, DESY ILC detector group Physics Division III Experiments at PS  shift to experiments at J-PARC  K2K neutrino oscillation experiment  Kaon physics K 0 rare decay, K-nucleus interactions Physics Division IV Beam-line group for the J-PARC neutrino and hadron arenas in Tokai Campus RI beam group at Tokai Campus Theory Division

050928ICFA seminar Daegu 10 CP non-conservation Precise measurement of CKM matrix elements BELLE Detector Integrated luminosity: 470 fb -1

050928ICFA seminar Daegu km K2K Super-K Disappearance of  9.2 X pot for analysis

050928ICFA seminar Daegu 12 Institute of Materials Structure Science Synchrotron Radiation Science Division I Synchrotron Radiation Science Division II Researches for biology, chemistry, nano-materials, etc. Support of university people Light Source Division Storage rings and beam-lines Neutron Science Division Spallation neutrons from 500MeV booster  J-PARC SNS Muon Science Division Pulsed muons from 500 MeV booster  J-PARC muons

050928ICFA seminar Daegu 13 PF and PF-AR 70 experimental stations

050928ICFA seminar Daegu 14 Usage of Light Source by various fields

050928ICFA seminar Daegu 15 Accelerator Laboratory Accelerator Division I J-PARC Accelerator Division II KEKB collider Accelerator Division III e + and e - injector LINAC ILC R&D: ATF/ATF2, STF Accelerator Division IV 12 GeV Proton Synchrotron  J-PARC R&Ds  Induction acceleration, FFAG, Frontier beams, Other R&D Theory

050928ICFA seminar Daegu 16 KEKB Electron-Positron Collider Fuji_ARES_Cavity for positrons SC_Cavity for electrons Peak luminosity: 1.6 x /cm 2 /s Integ. Luminosity: 470 fb -1

050928ICFA seminar Daegu 17 Applied Research Laboratory Radiation Science Center Radiation safety and related researches Computing Research Center Network security, data grid Geant4, lattice calculations, GRACE Cryogenics Research Center Liquid He supply LHC Q-magnets, T2K combined-function magnets BESS experiment Mechanical Engineering Center Fabrication and R&D  mirrors for synchrotron light, choppers for neutrons, Nb SC cavities, BPMs, etc.

050928ICFA seminar Daegu 18 Japan Proton Accelerator Research Complex J-PARC at Tokai A joint project of JAEA (Japan Atomic Energy Agency) and KEK Straightforward extension of the 12 GeV PS Interdisciplinary: Kaons, neutrinos, neutrons, muons and ADS 3GeV PS (333  A, 25Hz) 50GeV PS (15  A) Neutrinos to Super-K (0.75MW) ADS 400MeV LINAC Kaons Spallation neutron Source (1MW)

050928ICFA seminar Daegu 19 J-PARC jointly with JAEA LINAC 3GeV PS 50 GeV PS T2K neutrino beam line to Super-K Hadron Arena

050928ICFA seminar Daegu 20 J-PARC Commissioning Scenario 0 Beam Power (kW) Japanese Fiscal Year (Apr-Mar)

050928ICFA seminar Daegu 21 LC Project Office Leading role at Asian regional team Signed on GDE MOU Close collaboration with US and Europe under the Japan- US program and TESLA Technology Collaboration Asian collaboration Core groups: IHEP (China); CHEP, PAL (Korea), TIFR, CAT (India), KEK (Japan) Signed on Asian MOU Active R&D ATF / ATF2: Damping ring, BPM, Beam-delivery STF: SRF technology, High-gradient cavities

050928ICFA seminar Daegu 22 Summary of the current status Transition from 12 GeV PS to J-PARC: highest priority Researches with neutrons, muons and neutrinos will lead the world Mature BELLE and KEKB Very old light sources but very active ILC R&D

050928ICFA seminar Daegu 23 Future of KEK Two simultaneous considerations New light source  ERL New e + e - collider  ILC  Super-KEKB Long term: Upgrade of J-PARC to 4 MW

050928ICFA seminar Daegu 24 ILC is an exceptionally large project DG’s private committee to seek the possibility of hosting the ILC in Japan KEK trustees started discussion on the future vision of KEK Interim report by the end of the year Report by the end of 2006

050928ICFA seminar Daegu 25 The 3 rd five year plan (2006 – 2010) for science and technology in Japan under discussion  During 2 nd 5 year plan (2001 – 2005) the government spent trillion-yen (170B$) Promotion of basic science  Dominated by biology, nano-materials, informatics and environmental science Strategic science and technologies  IT, life science, materials science, environment Big sciences prioritized under strict review International cooperation, especially with Asia Necessity of hosting an international science and technology center in Asia recognized among politicians