REG-REPREG-REP ebXML Registry and Repository ECOM Seminar Saturday 11/11/2000
REG-REPREG-REP Presented by Scott Nieman Project Leader: ebXML Registry and Repository Solutions Director: e-Business Integration Norstan Consulting
REGREPREGREP Mission Statement The ebXML registry and repository project team will deliver requirements and specifications for the creation and use of a registry and repository. The registry and repository will be comprehensive, distributed, business analysis driven, and support the runtime and development viewpoints of the ebXML architecture.
REGREPREGREP Project Objective To define the business and functional requirements for an ebXML registry and repository XML-based interfaces to interact with the registry and repository
REGREPREGREP Deliverable Scope Develop a functional requirement document –use cases and other UML artifacts –detailed prose describing how to use the system –XML Interfaces: application-programming interface Multi-phased approach for the specification of supporting services –limited to essential features ebXML does not intend to implement a registry and repository itself
REGREPREGREP Work Items: Specifications Business Requirements (complete) UML Model –Business Domain Model –ebXML Registry Services; XML Service Interfaces –ebXML Repository Information Model
REGREPREGREP Business Requirements Storage of items in their original form Distributed Registries; “single global repository” no longer a valid concept in Internet age Apply Best Practices; –reuse of best of breed if possible –Future proof specifications Features Allow the query and retrieval of items Support a standards development workflow Allow the comparison of object to a checklist of features; e.g., ensure consistent UML models Allow the transformation to / from different forms, e.g., UML/XMI to XML, tpaML formation Allow the discovery of a registry’s specific interfaces/ capabilities Provide a logging mechanism such as transactional events
REGREPREGREP Architecture: Distributed Registries Publish and Subscribe Architecture Association of objects between registries Metadata Exchange –XMI probable Monitor of events –Versioning –Submission of like-objects Publish via ebXML Messaging Service Multi-level subscription –Service Interfaces –Collections of like-objects –Individual objects
REGREPREGREP Registry of Registries Repository Search App Repository … OASIS or other official site Return list of hits plus all repositories that were not accessed. From there the user could link to the document of choice Repository Original document in intended format including multimedia attachments Registry Repository … Registry … A global search may go through potentially thousands of registries each of which may in turn have thousands of repositories. DNS-like Registry of Registries
REGREPREGREP Business Domain Define the scope of the “system” –Driven by ebXML Architecture –Driven by ebXML Requirements High Level Use Cases Actor Generalizations; hierarchical view of all role players Domain Package Diagram; partitions use cases and services that support them –ebXML Specified Services –Registration Authority Specified Services; value added Traceable to the Business Requirements
REGREPREGREP Domain Use Case Register Company Submit Object Store Object Classify Object Subscribe Retrieve Map between Specifications
REGREPREGREP Actor Generalization ISO terminology Extended as needed
REGREPREGREP Domain Package Diagram Used to organize use cases and state machines –Services –UI –Applications Services are dependent on each other –Messaging –Storage –Security
REGREPREGREP Registry Services Life cycle management Query Interface Discovery Service Logging Publish Subscription Library Control System Transformation Workflow Quality Assurance Service
REGREPREGREP ebXML Registry Specifications ebXML Business Domain Specification –ebXML specified services vs. RA specified services ebXML Registry Services ebXML Registry Information Model
REGREPREGREP ebXML Specified Services Life cycle management Query Interface Discovery Service Logging Publish Subscription
REGREPREGREP ebXML Registry Service - Interfaces Party Registration Object Life CycleQuerying Objects Authentication & Authorization Enables Pub-Sub on Registry Data Interface Discovery
REGREPREGREP Life-Cycle Management Service Storage of anything that can be classified; including classification schemes themselves Submission Classification via metadata Classification of single object by multiple schemes Metadata versioning; draft, public review, standard/ specification Object versioning; new, deprecation of prior version
REGREPREGREP Life cycle Management Typical use cases for object life cycle
REGREPREGREP Query Service Ad-hoc Query Construction via Classification Scheme URI Specific Browsing via Classification Scheme Indexing by Classification Scheme Metalevel independent Schemes support –Multiple Viewpoints; pickNewRoot() allows support of Topic Maps –Schemes at all OMG metalevels M0, M1, M2, and M3 (e.g., ebXML BP, UML metamodel, MOF) Canonical Query Syntax required –No intent to reinvent the wheel –OQL and Quilt are candidates
REGREPREGREP Query Use Case Guest Users –Ad hoc –Collections –Metadata –Objects Applications –Metadata –Objects
REGREPREGREP Interface Discovery Service This service will allow the discovery of the set of implemented interfaces and detailed operations for a particular registry instance Registries are not required to implement ALL of the ebXML Registry Service interfaces This may be represented as an XML document, similar to Web Services Description Language without the slippery stuff (SOAP)
REGREPREGREP Logging Service Logging of events Many types of events Single API for all services to call XML based syntax Model to be defined
REGREPREGREP Subscription Service Allows a Party to subscribe to a Registry and public accessible events –Versioning of an object –Submission of like-objects Party can use a check-box approach to subscribe based on roles
REGREPREGREP Publish Service Allows the monitoring of defined events similar to a listening service May listen to logging service events only Forcing the registry to know when, how, and who to publish to may not scale Details to be refined
REGREPREGREP Registration Authority Specified Services Library Control System Transformation Workflow Quality Assurance Service
REGREPREGREP Library Control System Use Case Classic versioning environment Reservation Message based alerts
REGREPREGREP Transformation Services Provide various forms of transformations including –UML to XML generation business process definitions XML Schema and DTD generation –Trading partner agreement formation NOT for production runtime data; i.e., NOT for purchase order, invoice, etc. transformations
REGREPREGREP Trading Partner Agreement formation Trading Partner Profile 1 Trading Partner Profile 2 Transformation Rules Trading Partner Agreement** Source Destination **Legal Constraint Prevent Storage of TPA in Repository Transformation of two trading partner profiles Scenario: Trading Partner 1 queries and discovers Trading partner 2 TPA consummated; sent to Trading Partner 2 for review and acceptance
REGREPREGREP Conversion of UML Models to XML Business process definitions XML Schema and DTD generation Populate classification scheme XML Schema XMI (MOF.DTD) Transformation Rules XML Process Definition SourceDestination **Classification Scheme assignment or population if metalevel >M0 Populate Classification Scheme**
REGREPREGREP Workflow Service Cross reference to the actor instances, their roles, and the services that they are allowed to access Supports use cases that are interactions to registry services ( >, > packages) Typical scenarios: –Submission of objects by SO –Classification by SO –Elaboration of Classification by RA –Assignment of object review to RA individual –Promotion of submission to new work item, NWI to specification, review cycles, etc.
REGREPREGREP Quality Assurance Service Allows the definition of a checklist of required elements for a Managed Object Allows a submitted object to be parsed and compared to a checklist of required elements; this uses the transformation service Scenario: XMI submission of UML model conforming to UN/CEFACT Modelling Methodology Output may be a list of missing items
REG-REPREG-REP Registry Information Model
REGREPREGREP Repository Information Model Based heavily on ANSI ASC X3.285 –Submission to ISO –Refinement of OASIS (XML.ORG) Information Model Key concepts –Classification Scheme support –Managed Objects Storage of anything –Flexible associations –Subscription to managed objects (in progress)
REGREPREGREP ebXML Reg-Rep Information Model An object instance stored outside the registry, e.g. on the web e.g businesses, services, templates, protocol definitions, schemas, etc Ability to Group related objects together as collection Classifies an object, classifications can be grouped into hierarchies A submission may be more than one Managed object e.g. a Party that submitted something Ability to associate items to others
REGREPREGREP Information Model: Object Class Diagram Special Type of Association where the “to” is a ClassificationNode An object instance stored outside the registry, e.g. on the web Special Type of ManagedObject critical to the Registry itself
REGREPREGREP Associations Managed Object to one or more Classification schemes Object to Object Object to Collection of Objects Classifications to other Classification to provide context to a classification
REGREPREGREP Traditional Classification Scheme Taxonomies Industry HealthCareAutomotiveRetail Geography USAJapanEurope Ford:object Chevy:object Toyota:object Nissan:objectBMW:object
REGREPREGREP Examples Classification Schemes Business Process Models* –Industry, international, standards Business Message specifications* –XML, EDI; protocol specific –UML; protocol independent Trading Partner Profiles* –Capabilities including product service, transport, business process scenarios, business messages, security UML Profiles – metamodels –Stereotypes, tagged values, syntax, semantics, model management Common Business Objects Patterns –Hillside Community Pattern Language *ebXML Areas
REGREPREGREP Business Use Cases Interact with use case ACROSS services User Interface Based –Submission –Work in Progress –Ad-hoc Query –Technical Specification Review Application to Registry Based –Business Application; e.g., software agents –Mapping Tools; tpaML formation; specification transformation rule development –Software Development IDE
REGREPREGREP Submission Use Case Diagram example
REGREPREGREP Company Registration Use Case Diagram Viewpoints: –SO creates Specifications –SO creates software
REG-REPREG-REP What about Universal Definition, Discovery, and Integration (UDDI]??
REGREPREGREP Comparing UDDI & ebXML UDDI White and Yellow pages -Business & Service definitions Binding Templates describe how to exchange messages Flexible categorization of businesses and services Specific categorizations defined SOAP based APIs for registration and search – concrete syntax Protocol for Replication between operators Agreement to operate/replicate registries ebXML Reg-Rep can hold Business and Service specifications plus much more TP (CPP) used to define message exchange for Reg-Rep Flexible categorization of anything in registry Ability to submit any classification schemes; BP, CC, TP important General Service Interface definitions, mapped to TRP & XML DTDs Distributed; No replication; publish-subscribe interactions No need to replicate; information owner manages their own knowledge
REGREPREGREP Possible UDDI Binding to ebXML Reg-Rep
REGREPREGREP Plan: Registry Business Domain Registry Information Model (QRT ) V1.0 Geneva Meeting V2.0 Vienna Meeting Actor Generalization Domain Use Case Package Diagram ebXML Registry Services RA Registry Services State Machines Conformance Requirements
REGREPREGREP Plan: Registry Information Model Registry Information Model (QRT ) V1.0 Geneva Meeting V2.0 Vienna Meeting Manage Object Manage submissions Manage XML based classification schemes Classify Managed Object Alternative contextual Naming Collection based operations (deprecation) External Coding Schemes
REGREPREGREP Plan: Registry Services Registry Information Model (QRT ) V1.0 Geneva Meeting V2.0 Vienna Meeting Object Management Service Create Deprecate Approve Register Company Versioning Alternative contextual Naming Query ServiceDrill down Ad-hoc query (adoption of a standard syntax) Keyword Interface DiscoveryDiscover Services Bootstrapping Beacon Discover Operations within Services
REGREPREGREP Plan: Registry Services (cont) Registry Information Model (QRT ) V1.0 Geneva Meeting V2.0 Vienna Meeting Security ServiceAuthenticationRole- based authorization Publish / Subscribe Service Perhaps in Phase1 if time permits Subscribe Publish Logging ServiceLogging from any service